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Lucy Turns Pages: Magic Study by Maria V. Snyder Book Review

Magic Study by Maria V. Snyder Book Review

book recommendations, book review, book reviews, book series, books, fantasy, fantasy series, magic study, maria v Snyder, the chronicles of ixia,

Trigger warnings: rape, abuse, torture, murder, suicide, abduction
Magic Study follows directly on from where Poison Study ended. Before reading Magic Study, I read the extra content on Maria V. Snyder’s website that fits between these two books: chapter 1 of Poison Study from Valek’s point of view and Assassin Study, a short story featuring Valek.
This book followed Yelena entering Sitia: her country of birth, trying to find her family, going to a magic school and navigating her magical powers. There were politics, tactics, fights, magic, historical lessons, mysteries, different cultures and varying relationships. 
I loved Magic Study. The structure was very similar to Poison Study with different threads of the story and the stakes being raised. I was glad to see that Valek was mentioned and that he was in this book too. There were new characters introduced and I really liked seeing Yelena getting to know her family, culture and learning magic. Similarly to the first book, all of the characters were interesting and multi-layered. This book was slightly less predictable than the first which was nice to see.
The only negative comment that I have about this book is that there were quite a few grammatical errors in the Kindle edition that I was reading, so much so that it became an obvious annoyance. However, it did not interrupt my enjoyment of the story too much.
I can’t wait to read the next book, Fire Study. I love all of the characters and the plot always increases in tension and makes me want to keep reading. Again, I felt a range of emotions reading this book and I just want to read more about these characters and this world. 
Rating: 4.5/5 

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