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Lucy Turns Pages: What I have been up to #1

What I have been up to #1

In the past, I made videos for YouTube and one of my favourite types of videos to make was vlogs. I decided to blog instead of making videos because I am more passionate about writing. However, I thought that I would translate vlogs into blog posts by posting every couple of weeks about what I have been up to lately, I hope that you like these and feel free to comment about what you have been up to!


I recently joined Wattpad and since then I have been editing chapters of the first draft of my book. I have about half of a first draft and posting chapters on Wattpad has helped to motivate me to keep working on this book that I love. I intend to keep posting chapters regularly and in the future post more books on there. If you are interested in how I edit: I printed my writing off and whilst listening to some old pop songs, I go through with a different coloured pen and cross out things and add things accordingly and then I type up these changes to post on Wattpad.

I recently joined the gym and I am really glad that I did. I go and do some cardio whilst listening to an audiobook, fit in some muscle training if I feel like it and go for a swim. I can already feel myself feeling a bit better and I just feel so good when I am there and I am proud of myself for starting and for keeping it up. I hope to build up my fitness even more.

Video games

I have recently restarted Mario & Luigi Dream Team Bros.and I am really enjoying it. It is a relaxing Mario RPG, it is fun to get coins and battle and I love the quirky dialogue and the intriguing storyline.


I have been so busy lately that I haven’t had much chance to read! However, I have been listening to the audiobook of Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb (you can listen to this book for free on Audible) when I am at the gym and although it is quite a long audiobook, I am really enjoying listening to it. I also started Manga Classics: Jane Eyre and I am really loving reading a classic in manga form, it is so fun and I can pick up the story from the dialogue and the accompanying illustrations. I will also be starting some more books soon and I will be posting more book reviews on here!

What have you been up to lately? What are you currently reading? Let me know in the comments!

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