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Lucy Turns Pages: Writing Update

Writing Update

writer, writing tips, tips for aspiring writers, writing update, writing a novel, writing a novel tips,
I thought that I would write a small update regarding my writing. My dream is to be a published author, it has been for a long time. I have started different ideas and even got halfway through a first draft but I have yet to finish a first draft. It got to the point where the idea of writing was making me feel stressed and anxious so I took a break but when I tried to come back, I ended up feeling the same things again. I want to write but it feels as though the creative writer in me is hibernating in a deep dark cave. I have no inspiration. I don’t know whether to try to continue with my existing draft, work on another idea I had already formed or come up with a completely new one. Great and large ideas are failing me. 
Since starting this blog, I have discovered a love for it and it makes me happy. However, I miss novel writing and I would like to do both. 
The only part of a plan I have at the moment is to read some of my writing books and see if an idea strikes me. I want to write because I love the story, not because I feel like I have to. I’m hoping the solution will present itself soon! 
Have you ever felt like this? How did you get to the other side of the tunnel?

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