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Lucy Turns Pages: April Goals

April Goals

goals, goal ideas, craft ideas, crafts to do, fun crafts, games to play, book reviews, writing and editing,

Digital drawing
I got a drawing tablet and started drawing different characters. I want to practice a lot more to hopefully improve my digital art skills.
I want to learn how to crochet and try to create cute crochet animals, although I think it will be difficult and unlikely that I can create good creations but I can at least try!

goals, goal ideas, craft ideas, crafts to do, fun crafts, games to play, book reviews, writing and editing,

I am going to try Duolingo, a language learning app. I have wanted to learn Japanese, Italian and improve my Spanish as I only remember a little bit and why waste that when I can learn more? Hopefully one day I’ll be able to use different languages in real-life situations one day!

I want to keep posting on my book and gaming Instagram accounts because I enjoy taking pictures of books and games.

Write chapters
I would like to continue writing chapters of my book. I have been editing what I had already written of my first draft and then I intend to keep writing and finish my book.

Read and review
I would like to keep reading frequently and write reviews when I finish books.

This list is so that I actually try some things that I want to practice but just haven’t gotten around to it. I want to dedicate time to learning new things and developing my skills and hopefully I will create some great things.

What are your goals for April?

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