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Lucy Turns Pages: April/May Goals

April/May Goals

goals, goal ideas, blog goals, blogger goals, writing goals, reading goals, reading targets,

Hello! I have been spending a lot of time blogging and working on social media in relation to this. I love doing this but in between I am spending a lot of time just scrolling through social media and I am not getting other things done that I want to do. So here is a list of my goals to achieve over the next month or so:


I really want to finish more books a week and I have been experiencing a reading slump in April! So my goal is to try to read even more. I need to actively make sure that I am fitting in reading time where possible because I love reading and there are so many more books that I want to read! My 48 hours of no internet is this weekend (28th-29th April) so I am hoping that will help kickstart some more reading (this is for Cancer Research UK and you can donate here).


I have always wanted to be good at art and over the years I have experimented with different arts and crafts. Earlier this year I was lucky enough to obtain a drawing tablet to draw digitally and I have so far made a couple of drawings that I am proud of but I would like to try fitting in regular drawing time to practice and improve. 
Edit something

I have started uploading some different projects to my Wattpad page. I had a short story, a poem and a novel that I was working on but I looked around at my other book ideas and decided on the ones that I also wanted to work on. Now for each project I either need to write or edit to progress. I am planning on flitting between projects and writing whichever I feel like. However, I have been in a writing slump for a while so I don’t know how well this will go. My mind has been longing to travel and get inspiration but I cannot do that at the moment so I am hoping my creative writing motivation will return ready soon.


I used to write poetry a lot when I was younger and I had quite a few poems published in anthologies. Over recent years I haven’t written as many poems as I used to and I want to try to get back into it. I love writing poems to themes so if you have any theme ideas please comment or send me them on Twitter! I may create a collection…

Those are some of the goals that I want to work on next month.

What are your goals for May?


  1. These are great goals. Good luck achieving them. My goal for May is to comment on more blogs and Instagram posts. I feel like I neglect Instagram but I'm going to work on it in May!!


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