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Lucy Turns Pages: So Shape: Healthy Meals and Snacks on the Go

So Shape: Healthy Meals and Snacks on the Go

so shape, so shape review, meal replacement, losing weight, alternatives to chocolate, healthy meal alternatives, low fat meals, losing weight,

So Shape sell shakes that are not only good for you in terms of nutrients but that can also help you to lose weight. There are three different challenges which cover either 5 days, 14 days or 28 days. They offer both snacks/desserts and meals. I opted for the 14 day challenge and 6 different flavours: chocolate, brownie, stracciatella, mint chocolate, vanilla and white chocolate and caramel. So basically all of the chocolate related flavours. In my package I received a shaker, an instruction manual and 30 different powdered flavours. You pour some water into your shake, add the powder and shake. The shake also comes with a diffuser which you can put fruit in and have a fruit flavoured water.
I had some friends try a bit of each flavour to do a taste test. The majority of people loved the flavours! If you are a picky eater you might not like these but if not then you may love this. The chocolate definitely shone through and you could have it cold or heated. Having it heated was like having a hot chocolate. In fact, one person even said that the chocolate flavour was the best hot chocolate that they had ever had. The only issue that I had was that sometimes there were still lumps in the shake so I just sieved these out.

The great thing about So Shape is that the meals are packed with nutrients. When I looked in the instruction manual at the ingredients I was amazed. There were so many vitamins and I noticed that one shake actually had green tea in. So you can have something sweet tasting that actually has nutrients in!

Overall, I was really impressed with the quality of So Shape’s products and I would really recommend them if you are looking for a healthy alternative.


Get twice the flavours for 14 and 28 days challenges with the code CUSTOMLUCY

*This was sent to me to review but this in no way affected my opinion. 

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