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Lucy Turns Pages: Reviewing my 2018 So Far

Reviewing my 2018 So Far

reading goals, goal ideas, goal planning, personal development blog post,
Hi everyone! I saw some people discussing their goals so far this year and going forward and I thought I would do a little review post of my year so far and what I hope to accomplish in the future.

So in 2018, I started my blog! January 17th to be precise so my blog is nearly six months old! I have done some temp work and I have been applying for jobs. My end goal is that I would love to be able to blog full-time. I love blogging so much and I really want to be able to do it as my career. In the meantime, I am going to be working part-time whilst I continue to blog so wish me luck!

I want to post more book reviews and after a reading slump, I am slowly getting back into reading. I am currently reading Jurassic Park and I am loving it so far.

After making some good progress with writing my book, I have been in a massive writing slump. I have had no motivation or inspiration to write and I have now decided to work on my blog and leave creative writing until I feel like doing it again.

I have been playing a few different games and I recently started playing Fire Emblem Warriors which is so much better than I expected! I have also just started steaming The Sims 4 on Twitch and I have been really enjoying that so far.

I have been continuing with my bookstagram and I have been occasionally posting on a gaming and art Instagram. I started practicing digital art and I am still experimenting with different art forms!

This year I have also realised how much I want to travel and I hope to one day be able to.
Honestly, this year has not been as great as I had hoped it would be for some different reasons and there have been so many times that I have just wanted to be on a beach somewhere but I am so glad that I started my blog and I am so thankful for the people that I have found through it.

How has your 2018 been so far and what are your goals going forward?

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