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Lucy Turns Pages: The Opposites Book Tag

The Opposites Book Tag

book tag, book questions, book recommendations, books to get, short books, long books, book blog, book blogger,

Today I am going to be doing another book tag! This one is called the opposites book tag:

First Book In Your Collection/ Last Book You Bought

I’m not sure what the first book in my collection is but I know that one of them is the first Harry Potter book.
The last book I bought was The Surface Breaks by Louise O’ Neill which is on my July TBR

A Cheap Book/ An Expensive Book

One of the cheapest books that I own is Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, that I found in a charity shop.
An expensive book that I own is any of the Harry Potter Illustrated Editions.

A Book with a Male Protagonist/ One with a Female Protagonist

Beautiful Creatures follows a male protagonist and at the time, that was something fairly new to me in the YA genre.
Let’s go with one of my recent favourites for a book with a female protagonist: Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder, you can read my reviews of the original trilogy here.
A Book You Read Fast/ One That Took You a Long Time to Read

One book that I read extremely fast was Hunting Lila by Sarah Alderson. 
A book that took me a long time to read is difficult because if I am taking a while to read a book I will usually switch to reading something else but I will say Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo because it took me a long time to read from the first time I read the beginning of the book to going back to reading it and finishing it. I actually ended up really enjoying it!

Pretty Cover/ Ugly Cover

I recently bought The Surface Breaks which has a beautiful cover.
I can’t think of any books with covers that I did not like at the moment.

A National Book/ An International Book

I live in England so I’m going to go with one of my favourite books, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.
For an international book, I’m going to say The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, who is Australian.

A Thin Book/ A Thick Book

Tell Us Something True by Dana Reinhardt is one of my thinnest books.
I have a couple of thick books but I will say A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin.

Fiction Book/ Non-Fiction Book

A fiction book that I recently received is Dark Matter by Blake Crouch.
A non-fiction book that I own is Fast Fiction by Denise Jaden.

Romantic Book/ Action Book

I have read a few contemporary romance books this year, one of which is The Rules of Rebellion.
A book with action in (from what I remember) is Stealing Snow by Danielle Paige.

A Book That Made You Happy/ One That Made You Sad

A book that made me happy is Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell.
A book that made me sad is Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami. 

I tag anyone who would like to do this and please link me to your answers!

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