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Lucy Turns Pages: Spookathon TBR!

Spookathon TBR!

readathon, readathon tbr, tbr, to be read, spookathon, spooky reads, Halloween,

Spookathon is a week long readathon hosted by Lala from BooksandLala. It begins today, October 15 and runs until 21st October. The aim is to read anything that is spooky. There are optional challenges and you can do as many as you like. I don't expect to read all of these books but I thought it would be fun to create a TBR anyway!

1. Read a thriller
readathon, readathon tbr, tbr, to be read, spookathon, spooky reads, Halloween,For this prompt I am going with Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton. I started this book a while ago and I want to get back to finishing it. This is a technothriller, it is a science fiction with a thriller element. It has dinosaurs! 
2. Read a book with purple on the cover 
For this challenge, I have chosen Aru Shah and the End of Time which features purple on both covers. The book is a beautiful purple underneath the slip cover! I don't know too much about this book except that it is a middlegrade based on Indian mythology.
3. Read a book not set in the current time period 
For this prompt, I have chosen Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I am re-reading the Harry Potter books with the illustrated editions and this book happens to be a brilliant orange underneath the slip cover! This book is set in the 1990s.
4. Read a book with a spooky word in the title
I am doubling up on this challenge. I have chosen 'End' from Aru Shah and the End of Time as a spooky word. 
5. Read a book with pictures
For this challenge, I am going to read A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms. This is a prequel set in the Game of Thrones world that follows two Targaryens. 

Are you participating in Spookathon? If so, what's on your TBR?

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