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Lucy Turns Pages: Just A Few Ways To Use The Internet Differently

Just A Few Ways To Use The Internet Differently

If you’re someone who uses the computer, or your phone regularly, then you know just how much time the internet can suck up out of our lives. It’s the place where we can meet all kinds of people, watch all kinds of videos, read all kinds of stories and articles, and ultimately, craft a whole new persona for ourselves. But does that ever get boring? Does that ever take up just too much time, and you know something’s got to change?

Using the internet is something we all do in our own way for our own ends. And because of that, everyone has a different experience
with it! But all in all, the internet can be a great place to broaden your horizons, and let yourself experience some new and fun activities - and here’s just a couple you might not have thought of before.

No matter where we are, there’s a very good chance we’ve got an internet signal. (Image)

Make Some Money Full Time

The internet can be a great place for you to make yourself some extra money month by month, seeing as a lot of services are looking for remote works to sign up and earn bit by bit. Survey sites, captioning jobs, becoming a beta reader on the side etc., the list goes on and on if you want just a bit extra cash now and then. But if you’re someone who wants to turn the internet into a side hustle, there’s some options you can take on a bit more seriously as well.

Maybe you could start up your own freelancing business? Open up a copywriting site and gather some samples under your belt? If you love to read, you probably love to write as well! And whilst using a bet365 sign up offer
in your matched betting schemes might take a bit more understanding, that’s always an option for the future too.

To Create Something

And hopefully, build up a bit of a portfolio, if you’ve got some career ambitions surrounding what you do online! Being creative is something everyone can do, but there’s only some people out there who have the confidence to share what they create with the masses, and take both hits and misses whilst they’re at it. Even just an Instagram account can bring in some great feedback!

If you’re someone who wants to be more artistic with what you get up to on a daily basis, the internet is a great place for you to start to settle into. You can network back and forth with people who are interested in what you create, whether these be artworks, pottery pieces, or even some crocheted scarves and jumpers you take a lot of pride in, and make a pretty penny off of handcrafted, ethically made items for consumers.

Using the internet in a different way makes sure the experience is always something fresh and fun to look forward to, whether you’ve had a long day at work or a slow weekend.

This is a collaborative post and it may contain some affiliate links

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