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Lucy Turns Pages: 2018-02-25

Writing: Change of Focus

writer, writing tips, tips for aspiring writers, writing update, writing a novel, writing a novel tips,

I tend to come to realisations. I will be struggling with something for a while and then suddenly someone will say something or I will read something that will just click with me and it will help me feel better. Most of these realisations do not stay with me long-term but they move me along on my journey transporting me to the next learning curve. This is why you will often see my posts on topics such as writing providing different perspectives as I learn and alter my perceptions. In my last post, I discussed how I have been struggling to write creatively lately. I read something that has made me realise what the source of this problem may be for me.

Writing Update

writer, writing tips, tips for aspiring writers, writing update, writing a novel, writing a novel tips,
I thought that I would write a small update regarding my writing. My dream is to be a published author, it has been for a long time. I have started different ideas and even got halfway through a first draft but I have yet to finish a first draft. It got to the point where the idea of writing was making me feel stressed and anxious so I took a break but when I tried to come back, I ended up feeling the same things again. I want to write but it feels as though the creative writer in me is hibernating in a deep dark cave. I have no inspiration. I don’t know whether to try to continue with my existing draft, work on another idea I had already formed or come up with a completely new one. Great and large ideas are failing me. 
Since starting this blog, I have discovered a love for it and it makes me happy. However, I miss novel writing and I would like to do both. 
The only part of a plan I have at the moment is to read some of my writing books and see if an idea strikes me. I want to write because I love the story, not because I feel like I have to. I’m hoping the solution will present itself soon! 
Have you ever felt like this? How did you get to the other side of the tunnel?

Magic Study by Maria V. Snyder Book Review

book recommendations, book review, book reviews, book series, books, fantasy, fantasy series, magic study, maria v Snyder, the chronicles of ixia,

The Liebster Award

Thank you to Chloe at bookdragons247.wordpress.com for nominating me!
The rules:
Answer the 11 questions that you have been asked.
Nominate 11 other bloggers.
Ask your nominees 11 questions.
Let them know you nominated them.

1.       If you could get any two characters from any two books and put them in a relationship/friendship who would they be?
I would love to put Sydney from Vicious by V. E. Schwab and Yelena from The Chronicles of Ixia series together as I feel like they have a lot in common and would be good friends.

2.       Favourite song at the moment?
I don’t think I have one favourite song at the moment but I have been listening to some songs from past decades lately!
3.       What’s your spirit animal?
I did the same quiz that Chloe did and also received a deer. It was an interesting result!

4.       Any advice for people thinking of starting a book blog?
Do it! Just start and see how you feel.

Sunshine Blogger Award/ Q&A

blogger award, blogger, book blog, book blogger, blog award, blog q&a, blogger interview, book blogger interview,

So, I have already been nominated for this award. However, another lovely blogger nominated me again! I decided that I would like to answer her questions anyway so here is a mini Q&A.
1.       What is your dream job?
My dream job is to be a full time blogger and author.

2.       What do you think your life will be like in a year? And in ten years?
This is a difficult question because you never know what is going to happen! In a year, I hope to be earning something from my blog, to still be reading a lot and to be working on a creative writing project that I love and will finish. In ten years, I hope to have my dream house and be a published author.

3.       What is your proudest achievement?
The first thing that comes to mind is my degree. I worked so hard to do well and despite feeling bad mentally and physically, I got to the end and received a 2.1.

4.       What is your favourite blog post you’ve ever written?
I think my favourite would be How Anxiety and Depression Can Affect Reading and Writing
because I expressed some raw things that I have struggled with and people who related to that felt like they could reach out and talk about it too. One of my main aims in life is to help people and I hope that in a small way this blog does that.
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