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Lucy Turns Pages: 2018-03-04

Life Update!

Hello! A few things have changed for me lately so I wanted to write an update.

1. I joined a gym! I'd been thinking about it for a while. I love swimming but I would very rarely go because of the price. After experiencing an increase in anxiety and depression, I was recommended exercise for my mental health and that gave me the push to look into a gym. I was nervous and excited about starting. I am so glad that I joined! It can be a struggle to get myself there but once I am there, I really enjoy it. I start on the treadmill, which I have been building up on. I like using the rowing machine and I am also increasing my time on other machines. I find swimming so peaceful and on days where I don't feel too well, I take it slightly easier. 

2. I joined Wattpad! I have thought about joining Wattpad before but I was worried about whether I'd be able to submit my manuscript to agents if I had put some of it online. I discovered that there were some authors who had started on Wattpad. I actually messaged a couple to find out more and they were really helpful! I found out that you can still write on Wattpad and become traditionally published! So, I started posting my novel on there. It was one that I had started a couple of years ago, I recently started editing what I had written so far which is about half of the book. I am editing chapters and posting them regularly and then I will write on from there. I hope that Wattpad will give me the push to finish stories and I am so excited. 
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