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Lucy Turns Pages: 2018-03-11

What I have been up to #1

In the past, I made videos for YouTube and one of my favourite types of videos to make was vlogs. I decided to blog instead of making videos because I am more passionate about writing. However, I thought that I would translate vlogs into blog posts by posting every couple of weeks about what I have been up to lately, I hope that you like these and feel free to comment about what you have been up to!


I recently joined Wattpad and since then I have been editing chapters of the first draft of my book. I have about half of a first draft and posting chapters on Wattpad has helped to motivate me to keep working on this book that I love. I intend to keep posting chapters regularly and in the future post more books on there. If you are interested in how I edit: I printed my writing off and whilst listening to some old pop songs, I go through with a different coloured pen and cross out things and add things accordingly and then I type up these changes to post on Wattpad.

Why I love my Kindle

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I had thought about getting a Kindle in the past but I wasn’t sure whether it would be okay on my eyes and whether it would be worth it. However, I am really glad that I did eventually get one. Here is why:

1.       It saves me having to hold a book open or carry a book around:
My Kindle is light and feels nice to hold.

2.       I can have as many books as I would like:
You can store so many books on a Kindle so that saves you from taking up more room in your house for books (I actually have no shelf space left) and all of your books are available at your fingertips.
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