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Lucy Turns Pages: 2018-04-15

Guest Post: Mental Health & Creativity by Hannah from thedysfunctionaldamsel.com

Today’s guest post is by Hannah from http://thedysfunctionaldamsel.com/I am honoured that she wrote a post discussing dealing with her mental health issues to share with you all. 

Hannah often writes about mental health and trying to navigate through life while making weird metaphors, pretending to be dinosaurs with her toddler and ranting about her obese dog.

My relationship with mental illness and creativity has been evolutionary. I was diagnosed with depression when I was merely 11 years old. I can remember feeling like an outsider even then, and not in the cute “no one gets my preteen angst” sort of way. Instead it was insidious self-hatred. I always felt as if I was stuck behind a glass pane, with my nose pressed against the window while I voyeuristically watched others enjoying their lives. I wanted so badly to have effortless joy, but had no idea how to find it or if I was even meant to have it. My acceptance of what I felt, of what I was, and just of myself truly started with channeling my creativity.

Deciding what to do with your life

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Finding what you want to spend your time doing- both for a career and for your free time, is something that can be really difficult to do. You may feel lost or you may have an idea. However, this idea can change as you grow older and that is okay. Even if you feel lost now, don’t worry, you will find your way. Here are some tips that may help:

What do you already enjoy? I have a passion for books, I love writing and reading and so it seems natural for me to hope for a career in this industry. You can always think of subjects that you enjoyed at school or people that you look up to.

What jobs stand out to you? It is okay to try different jobs, take work experience or internships or temporary jobs. Research related careers on job websites. For UK graduates, I would recommend Prospects.
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