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Lucy Turns Pages: 2018-04-29

My Goals Going Forward

In my last post, I discussed what I had learnt from having no internet for 48 hours. In this post, I am going to go more in depth on what I learnt about my goals during this time.

1.       I want to keep blogging

This was an obvious one. Of course, I want to keep blogging! I love blogging and I hope to continue to grow this website.

2.       I want to keep making progress in my creative writing

I have been in a writing slump for a while. I kept feeling like I had no inspiration and I wouldn’t really be able to write until I can travel one day and soak up new inspiration. Reading hadn’t been helping me to write and no matter how long I left it, my muse was not returning. However, during my time without internet, I remembered how much I want to share my worlds with, well, the world. I have always wanted to help people with my writing and that has not changed. I want to create the characters and worlds that are roaming around inside me and release them to be enjoyed by others. Although I am still struggling with writing, I have decided to keep working on one project at a time. I am going to keep editing my book, Through the Portal, until I get to where I need to write more and then I will write new chapters. Even if I do this slowly, I still want to be making progress to finish this book and help find out what happens to the characters. It may take me a long time to write a book but I also really want to help people with my blog!

Five Things I Learnt From My Internet Detox

internet detox, personal development, harry potter colouring book, adult colouring books, colouring for adults,

I just finished doing 48 hours without internet in aid of Cancer Research UK. Here are the things that I learnt during this time.

1.       It is ok to use the internet sometimes 

I often feel bad that I use the internet as much as I do. I think that I should be doing other things instead. However, I have realised that it is ok to use the internet. It is ok to spend time on social media, post things and talk to others, as long as you are not spending too long on there or spending time on social media or accounts that make you feel bad about yourself.

2.       Without internet you can relive some good old times

Not having access to internet 24/7 reminded me of when I was younger and we literally did not have access to internet 24/7. We had to spend our time in other ways. The one activity that I spent most of my time doing was playing video games. I used to love spending time playing the same game over and over again and a lot of the games I never even completed because they were too difficult for me but it was still a lot of fun! Without internet, I actually played a couple of games that I had been thinking of playing for a while, without distraction. I could fully immerse myself in the game and in that moment. No muting the sound to watch a video at the same time, no pausing the game to check social media and it was good.
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