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Lucy Turns Pages: 2018-05-20

The Try a Chapter Tag #1

spinning thorns sleeping beauty retelling try a chapter tag books book reading reviews book blog

The online book community often do ‘tags’ which are usually a series of questions around a particular bookish topic. The try a chapter tag is when you read a chapter of a few different books before deciding which one to read.

I recently reorganised my bookshelf and ordered books in terms of those that I have read and those that I have yet to read and the order that I might read them in. I had some books left and I wasn’t sure whether I was going to read them or not so I decided to try a chapter of each book to decide whether I want to read them.

Going Back on Wattpad and Getting Back to Writing my Novel

writer, writing blog, writing tips, tips for aspiring authors, advice for aspiring authors, writing advice, writing websites,

Hello! So for a while I have been going through a creative writing slump. I have been writing blog posts and working on social media and brand relations for my blog but I just haven’t felt the motivation or inspiration to write my book. Earlier this year I started posting my current work in progress on Wattpad. This is a novel that I have been working on, on and off for two years. I have almost half of the novel written and I was editing those chapters and uploading them regularly on Wattpad. However, I got to a point where I seemed to have lost my writing muse. It was as if the writer in me had hibernated.

Avoiding The Sale Of A False Hope

The very first time a product comes off the manufacturing line is a cause for celebration. So many companies that have made it and become worldwide recognised names have had a small party when they had this moment. Little did they know they would reach the stars and have such massive acclaim with consumers from all over the world. It's only right that you expect yourself to one day, be just like them so have yourself a small huzzah. They got to where they are now because the made sure to tread carefully. Although they believed in their product, the knew that they couldn’t oversell it and give customers any false hope. The marketing campaigns could be hugely expensive and make the product and brand look like the saviour of the customers’ dreams. Yet when every person bought the product they were left in no doubt about what it could and could not do. Avoiding selling a product that promises more than it delivers could cast no doubt over your reputation as a trustworthy business and a lawsuit.

Wording the label

Almost every product you can think of comes with a label glued onto it somewhere. The label is there to do simply one thing and that’s harbour product information. A pasta sauce bottle will not just list the ingredients and the levels of sugar, fat, carbohydrates and so on. It will also give consumers instructions on how and where to store it. How to cook with it and how long you can leave it alone in the fridge once opened. It will also make any disclaimers such as saying that although the company works hard to make every bottle the exact same, results may vary. All of this is taken for granted by consumers because we’re all just used to it. Maybe we don’t care or we don’t have the time to care, but all businesses cannot take a chance on selling a false hope to anyone. Your product isn’t invisible and nor is it going to always satisfy customers. So clearly state in the label on your products these declarations.

What I Have Been Up To #3

Hi everyone! Today I am going to be talking about what I have been up to lately, let me know what you have been up to in the comments!

1. Education:

I am hoping to do a masters in creative writing! I have been writing for years, I started with poetry and then also began writing short stories and potential novels. I have been thinking about doing a masters for a while and if I can that will be amazing. I would love to develop my writing skills, learn more about writing and get a masters (hopefully I could pass!).
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