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Lucy Turns Pages: Anxiety by Selena Gomez and Julia Michaels

Anxiety by Selena Gomez and Julia Michaels

I was listening to music on Spotify when I came across 'Anxiety' by Selena Gomez and Julia Michaels. The title piqued my interest as someone who has dealt with anxiety. The opening is sharp but I could really relate to the lyrics, relating to some of them as how I felt in the past. I am so happy that a song about mental health was written and produced. Here's to more creations discussing such an important topic that affects so many.

Have you heard this song? What do you think?

If you are dealing with a mental illness, know that you are not alone and things will get better, no matter how dark things seem. I would also recommend Hailey in Bookland's recent video on her mental health.

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