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Lucy Turns Pages: Why It Is OK to Procrastinate Sometimes

Why It Is OK to Procrastinate Sometimes

Some of you may know that I have dealt with anxiety and depression for a number of years. One issue that I have is with relaxing. My mind is constantly thinking so when I have spare time it can be difficult for me to just relax and not think so much. I tend to think about all of the things that I could and 'should' be spending my time doing. 

Recently I have realised that I am too harsh on myself. Using words such as 'should' is not helpful and I need to eliminate such words and be kinder to myself. There is not much that I HAVE to do. It is OK to spend my spare time watching boxsets and YouTube videos. Instead of feeling bad about all the things I feel like I 'should' do, it is better to just calm down and go with the flow. I don't need to have completed a bunch of tasks and be 'productive'. It is enough to work and spend time with loved ones. The rest of the time can be spent however I like. It is much better to be more relaxed about things rather than spend my time thinking and feeling bad. 

Of course there are things that I would like to achieve but this does not, and will not happen overnight. Additionally, looking after your mental health is the priority. It is hard for me to not focus on where I want to get to and how I can get there. I have ideas and goals but I am reducing my focus, even slightly, to try to be more in the now. I have goals to aspire to but I need to make sure I look after myself in the present and not to keep making myself feel bad. 

Applying this mentality is difficult and takes time but I have to keep reminding myself of these facts and also focusing on positive things in my life, such as this blog. 

Let me know of any tips you have below!

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