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Lucy Turns Pages: Why I Am Changing My Book-Buying Habits

Why I Am Changing My Book-Buying Habits

Kindle, Kindle books, book buying, books, audiobooks, book formats, book discussions, I love having a physical book to read. I find books to be beautiful and it is a great feeling to pop one into my bag, knowing that a story is waiting there for me. I recently had a big sort out of the books on my shelves. I tried a chapter of some, read and DNFed others and checked reviews when I wasn't sure whether to continue a book. I found some books I enjoyed but I found that a lot of them I just was not interested in anymore.

Now with my reduced TBR, I am finding myself not reading as much as I would like. I realised that most of the books on my shelves are fantasies and historical fictions, genres that can be heavier reads for me. So I decided that I would like to increase the variety of genres on my shelves. Since I now have a spare shelf after decluttering I have the room but then came trying to decide where would be best to get new books from…

In the past I have used a few different websites to get books from, including Amazon and Book Depository. I compared some prices and any loyalty schemes between several different shops, finding that Amazon was generally cheaper but unfortunately there was no loyalty programme. I was looking at some graphic novels when I realised that the price for the Kindle version was £7 cheaper than the paperback copy of one! Now I love physical books but think of the money that I could save just by getting a digital version? And in this age where a lot of us spend a lot of time on digital devices, does it really make that much difference? Ok so I won't fill the turning of pages, or smell that new book scent, or have a physical entity to look at but I will still be able to venture into new worlds, explore the lives of different characters and relax.

Kindle, Kindle books, book buying, books, audiobooks, book formats, book discussions, At the end of the day, living costs are not cheap and if I can still treat myself but also save a bit in the process, I am going to choose that. This is just personal preference but also think of it this way, instead of getting one physical book, you could get two or three e-books!

Whether you purchase physical books, e-books, audiobooks or a mixture, just do what you want to do. Do not make yourself feel bad for buying books and reading when it gives you joy.

For me I am still going to get some physical books if the Kindle price is not much cheaper, or when someone gifts me a book but I am going to try to use my Kindle a lot more. I actually read the whole original Chronicles of Ixia trilogy on my Kindle and it was a wonderful experience so I know that reading digital books does not hinder my reading experience.

What books do you read and where do you like to get them from? The library, a bookshop, a website, Kindle?

Kindle, Kindle books, book buying, books, audiobooks, book formats, book discussions,


  1. I need to stop buying now. I buy from The Works sometimes and shop around online, wordery, Amazon. Waterstones for signed books. Charity shops and book fairs are my downfall 😂

    1. I love The Works for boxsets of books! Also charity shops and bootfairs are amazing :)


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