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Lucy Turns Pages: My Disney Readathon TBR (To Be Read)!

My Disney Readathon TBR (To Be Read)!

The Disney Readathon is running from August 1st to August 31st (here is the link to the Twitter page with all the information)! I did the quiz but decided to choose Team Tangled as I preferred the prompts. So here are the books that I plan to read for The Disney Readathon!

Rapunzel: Read a book with glowing reviews (10 points)

For this prompt, I am going to read A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab. This is a highly hyped fantasy series about a man that can travel between different versions of London, each with varying levels of magic.

Flynn Rider: Read a dark/ mysterious book (10 points)

I am planning on reading Dark Matter by Blake Crouch for this prompt. This is another book that has been on my shelf for a while. It follows a man who wakes up to find that his life is not actually his life. It is very mysterious and I really want to find out the truth to this plot!

The Snuggly Duckling Crew: Read a book with a dreamy cover (10 points)

I have chosen Magic for Liars by Sarah Gailey for this prompt. This is a recent release that I was sent to honestly review on my blog. The cover is absolutely beautiful.

Mother Gothel: Read a book featuring a power-hungry character. This book must be out of your comfort zone. (25 points)

For this prompt I have chosen another book that has been on my shelf for some time: Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin. This is out of my comfort zone as it is a historical fiction (albeit mixed with fantasy) and I haven't read much historical fiction to date.

Maximus: Read the group book (50 points)

The group book for Team Tangled is A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer. This is a book that I have been planning on reading so it's a good fit for me! All I know is that this is a young adult retelling of Beauty and the Beast and I am here for that.

There are further prompts- you can travel between maps so as a member of Team Tangled, I could complete prompts from any of the other teams. However, I am being (semi-)realistic with my reading goals and just aiming to read for the Team Tangled prompts.

Are you participating in The Disney Readathon?

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