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Lucy Turns Pages: My Video Game Wishlist: Games I Would Like To Get/Pre-Order!

My Video Game Wishlist: Games I Would Like To Get/Pre-Order!

video games, games, video game wishlist, wishlists, game wishlists, nintendo switch, switch, nintendo switch wishlist, switch wishlist, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, animal crossing new horizons, spyro, mario, skyrim, ni no kuni, link's awakening, legend of zelda, ary and the secret of seasons, super mario party, nintendo,

I have played video games for as long as I can remember. I wanted to compile a list of the games that I would love to get and it ended up becoming a list of all Nintendo Switch games! This is the console that I own the least number of games on and the console that I am really enjoying at the moment. 

I am a huge Pokemon fan. I own almost every Pokemon game and I collect the plushies. Pokemon is such a big part of my life and I am so excited for the new games! I'm not sure which version I would like to play yet, I am going to decide closer to release when more information about version differences is released. The new Pokemon look adorable and I cannot wait to explore the Gala region!

This game is one of my most anticipated games. I played over 200 hours on Animal Crossing: New Leaf and I cannot tell you how excited I am for a new Animal Crossing game! This game is also set on an island and that just sounds so interesting to me. The graphics are beautiful and this game is an instant buy for me. 

The Wii U had some great game releases that I didn't get to play. I am slightly picky when it comes to Mario games. I loved Super Mario 3D Land and Super Mario Galaxy. I would love to play this new Mario platformer. 

I had a Spyro game on GBA back in the day and I loved it so much. I never played this original Spyro game and I really want to try it. 

So this one may be a bit cheeky. I have Ni No Kuni on PS3 but I never completed it. This may be controversial but I actually prefer portable games compared to console ones. I play the Switch in portable mode basically all of the time. Ni No Kuni was a cute RPG game with lovely Studio Ghibli-esque graphics. I would really love to go back into this world and find out more. 

This is a game that I completely didn't expect. With graphics similar to that of Link Between Worlds, Link's Awakening looks intriguing. I haven't played the original version of this game either so it would be great to explore this story too!

I am not usually one for mini games but ever since this game was released I have wanted to play it with other people in my life as a fun set of games that we can play together. This game looks hilarious and enjoyable and it is a game that I would like to add to my collection.

Terraria is coming out on Nintendo Switch! I have yet to play Terraria but I have been interested in playing it for a while. If you have played this game let me know what your thoughts are!

Another game that I have on PS3. I really enjoyed playing Skyrim and I would love to play the portable version. I am not sure how this game runs on Nintendo Switch so please let me know. 

This is a game that I have only just discovered. This looks like a sweet adventure game with a world that I would love to explore. What are your thoughts on this game?

I have fond memories of playing the Crash Bandicoot games when I was younger. I was quite excited when the remakes were announced. I feel that this would be a fun nostalgia trip and hopefully Crash wouldn't die as many times as he did when I used to play it!

So these are all the games on my video game wishlist. What games would be on yours?

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