If you haven't been paying attention to your finances for a while, it may have come as a shock to find yourself overspent in the new year. Perhaps you got into bad money habits over the past few months without fully realising with all the extra expense of Christmas. Spring is the perfect time to review your money situation, set some goals and change your bad habits for good- for the sake of your mental wellbeing.
Image from Unsplash
Image from Unsplash
Check Out Your Paperwork
To get a true idea of your current financial situation you need to see the big picture - that means gathering up the statements for everything from that high interest credit card that's been ticking away, to your current account, any savings and investments and long term secured loans and looking across the board to really understand your position. If you don't, then you can't work out how to improve things or work out how much spare cash you have to save or invest and what bills you pay which could be cut out or reduced down through shopping around for electricity suppliers or mobile phone contracts. There may be unused subscriptions or old memberships you had overlooked which could be cancelled.