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Lucy Turns Pages: 2019-11-10

Books That I've DNFed This Year

DNF stands for Did Not Finish, it is a term used commonly in the book community to describe a book that someone has started reading but they didn't enjoy it and end up putting the book down, usually permanently.

I have DNFed quite a few books this year. A lot of this was due to sorting through all of the books that have been on my shelves for years. There were some that just were not for me anymore. I also picked up some new books that had been hyped and I just did not like them myself. There were also problematic issues in a lot of the books that I DNFed this year. Overall, I feel that I have just read so many books that have disappointed me this year. I am hoping for a better reading year next year! I thought that I would make a post about some of the books that I have DNFed this year and explain some of the reasons why I decided to stop reading them. (Disclaimer: these are all my own opinions, if you love any of these books then that is awesome!)

Nintendo Switch Games That Should Be on Your Radar!

There are a number of great-looking video games that have been released recently. I wanted to do a round-up of all the games that look interesting to me and share it with you guys!

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

I originally wasn't sure about this game, having not completed A Link Between Worlds yet but the graphics in this game look astounding and the gameplay looks interesting! I never played the original game that this is based upon. I have loved some of the Zelda games but some I have not. Have you played this game? If you have, what did you think of it?
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