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Lucy Turns Pages: 2019-11-17

Undercover Thief Review

undercover thief, book review, book reviews, ya thriller, ya, thriller, heist, heist books, Undercover Thief
by H. T. King
Genre: YA Thriller
Publication Date: 2019
Number of pages: 438
Goodreads - Amazon - Book Depository

PS4 Games That Should Be on Your Radar!

The PS4 has been around for a while but I have not managed to play as many games on it as I did with previous consoles. I wanted to make a list of some of the popular games that I have heard of/ some that I would to play. Please let me know your thoughts on these games and any games that you would recommend!

Final Fantasy VII Remake

This game comes out in March 2020. I never played the original but I have seen gameplay of it. I actually played Crisis Core on PSP which is set just before this game. I have to admit that I preferred Zack to Cloud but it would still be interesting to play this game and find out more about this famous character.
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