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Lucy Turns Pages: Learning French Journal #2 Numbers

Learning French Journal #2 Numbers

Hi everyone! I've been trying to teach myself French for a while and I thought it would be fun to create some blog posts as I go along to help myself study so I will be doing regular posts on French. In my last post I discussed comparisons to English and pronunciation in French. In this post I will be looking at numbers. Please note this is not a study guide, if I make any mistakes please let me know!

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1- Un (uhN)
2- Deux (duh)
3- Trois (trwah)
4- Quatre (kah-truh)
5- Cinq (saNk)
6- Six (sees)
7- sept (seht)
8- huit (weet)
9- neuf (nuhf)
10- dix (dees)
11- Onze (ohNz)
12- Douze (doohz)
13- Treize (trehz)
14- Quatorze (kah-tohrz)
15- Quinze (kaNz)
16- Seize (sehz)
17- Dix-sept (dee-seht)
18- Dix-huit (deez-weet)
19- Dix-neuf (deez-nuhf)
20- Vingt (vaN)

21- Vingt et un (vaNt ey uhN)
22- Vingt-deux (vahNt-duh)
23- Vingt-trois (vahNt-trwah)

30- Trente (trahNt)

40- Quarante (kah-rahNt)

50- Cinquante (saN-kahNt)

60- Soixante (swah-sahNt)

70- Soixante-dix
71- Soixante et onze
72- Soixante-douze

80- Quatre-vingts (4 x 20)
81- Quatre-vingt-un (4 x 20 and 1)

90- Quatre-vingt-dix (4 x 20 and 10)
91- Quatre-vingt-onze (4 x 20 and 11)

100- Cent
101- Cent un

300- Trois cents
301- Trois cent un

1000- Mille

2000- Deux mille

1,000,000- Un million

  • When neuf is before a vowel or mute h, the f makes a v sound
  • When six, huit and dix are before a consonant. the final consonant of the number is not pronounced.
  • When a number ends in s or x and is before a vowel or mute h, the s and x make a z sound

First, second, third:

1st- Premier (pruh-myey) or Première (pruh-myehr)
2nd- Deuxième (duh-zee-ehm)
3rd- Troisième (trwah-zee-ehm)
4th- Quatrième (kah-tree-ehm)
5th- Cinquième (saN-kee-ehm)
6th- Sixième (see-zee-ehm)
7th- Septième (seh-tee-ehm)
8th- Huitième (wee-tee-ehm)
9th- Neuvième (nuh-vee-ehm)
10th- Dixième (dee-zeh-ehm)

11th- Onzième (ohN-zee-ehm)
12th- Douzième (dooh-zee-ehm)
13th- Trezième (treh-zee-ehm)
14th- Quatorzième (kah-tohr-zee-ehm)
15th- Quinzième (kaN-zee-ehm)
16th- Seizième (seh-zee-ehm)
17th- Dix-septième (dee-seh-tee-ehm)
18th- Dix-huitième (dee-zweeh-tee-ehm)
19th- Dix-neuvième (deez-nuh-vee-ehm)
20th- Vintième (vaN-tee-ehm)

  • In buildings, the ground floor is called the rez-de-chaussèe then the first floor is the premier ètage.

Estimating someone's age:
  • To say someone is around a certain age, add aine (ehn) to dix, douze, quinze, vingt, trente, quarante, cinquante, soixante and cent. 
  • The x at the end of dix in this context becomes a z- une dizaine (ewn dee-zehn)- around 10.

Estimating a quantity:
  • To estimate a number of something, add de before the noun.
  • If the noun begins with a mute h or a vowel, de becomes d'

Liked this post? Check out my French learning page here or improve your proficiency with Babbel (affiliate link).

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