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Lucy Turns Pages: Future Plans You Should Be Making During Lockdown

Future Plans You Should Be Making During Lockdown

It’s a difficult time for everybody at the moment and we are all having to maintain social distancing to make sure that everybody is as safe as they can be. Many of us are struggling to get to grips with being at home all of the time, and it’s important that you find ways to entertain yourself so you can keep your spirits up. There are a lot of things that you can do at home to keep yourself busy, but one of the best things to do is to start thinking about what you are going to do when the lockdown lifts. This situation has caused a lot of people to reconsider their priorities in life and stop taking things for granted, so now is the best time to start planning what you are going to do once the crisis is over. These are some of the future plans that you should make during lockdown.

lockdown, future plans, travel, see family, see friends, national parks, explore egypt,
See Friends and Family More Often

Many of us take our friends and family for granted and don’t see them as often as we should. But now that we are unable to see the important people in our lives, we are starting to realize how much we missed them. Most people are spending more time on video chat talking to people, and it’s important that you carry on that habit after the lockdown lifts. When you are speaking with friends and family, start thinking of things that you can all do together when the lockdown is over and you can finally get out and about again. 


At the moment, travel is out of the question, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t start making plans. Think about all of the places that you really want to go and start making a list. You could explore Egypt with On the Go Tours and see the pyramids, or head to Iceland and see the Northern Lights. There are so many amazing destinations around the world but we often put off our travel plans because life gets in the way. But now that we are unable to travel, we are starting to realize just how valuable it is. While you are in the lockdown, you should spend some time planning your next big adventure. 

Take Advantage of Outdoor Spaces

One good thing to come out of this lockdown is a new appreciation for parks and outdoor spaces. You may have taken green spaces for granted before, but now you are unable to spend time outside in nature, you are probably starting to realize how relaxing it can be and how much it improves your mental wellbeing. Don’t forget this after the lockdown lifts, and make sure that you take full advantage of these beautiful natural spaces. While you are stuck at home, why not do some research into the great national parks in this country and see which ones are nearby.

It is hard to remain positive about the future during a crisis like this, but if you start making plans for the future, you will have something to look forward to and you can take something good from a bad situation.

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