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Lucy Turns Pages: Is It Possible To Be Eco Friendly When Marketing?

Is It Possible To Be Eco Friendly When Marketing?

The key to being eco friendly is to be sustainable, and have some kind of natural longevity to you and your business. Of course, it can be hard to set up without being able to take advantage of the numerous resources at your disposal, and a lot of people think to themselves, ‘Is eco friendly marketing really possible?’

The short answer? Yes! The long answer? You might have to put in a bit more effort than you’re used to, or anyone told you about, but it’s still possible and totally worth it. So, without further ado, here are some little ways to help your marketing campaign or strategy stay eco friendly and conscious of the world around it. All you need is a bit of time and a love for your local world on your side.

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Support Local Projects

Supporting local projects means you keep your local economy in mind, and refrain from introducing more waste and the often predatory nature of larger corporations to the area. If you can support your business with local suppliers, and offer them something in return, you ensure a sustainable chain of commerce is extended around where you operate. Not to mention how often you get your name out there!

This is a much more viable way of bringing more business to the area, as well as ensuring there’s a demand for locally grown or sourced products, which are much less harmful on the environment as a whole.

Brand Yourself Green

You need to brand yourself green at the same time. You want people to know the environment is very important to your business, personally, and it’s something you’re here to help out with. With the societal conscience surrounding how much kinder we need to be to our planet, this can bring in a huge amount of success amongst the younger shopping generation.

Make sure you make a statement about how your business operates, as often as possible; for example, a restaurant might include the fact that the napkins it offers are made from 100% recycled materials on the napkins themselves.

Reuse and Recycle!

And finally, make sure you keep to the age old adage of, ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’. All in all, it’s the most important factor for ensuring your marketing is kept green, simply because you’re doing more with less. Business waste stacks up every single year, and keeping that in mind for something as extensive as marketing is key for sustainability in the future.

You could even get in touch with modular exhibition stand companies, to help you come up with a collapsible booth for exhibition and trade show floors. A one time investment that’ll keep people interested in your business for a long time to come, simply because of how versatile a modular set up can be.

So, eco friendly marketing is possible, and it’s something you should keep in mind. Reduce your impact by working locally, and getting the right contacts in the company phone book.

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