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Lucy Turns Pages: Learning French Journal #5 Meeting People

Learning French Journal #5 Meeting People

Hi everyone! I've been trying to teach myself French for a while and I thought it would be fun to create some blog posts as I go along to help myself study so I will be doing regular posts on French. In my last post I discussed times. In this post I will be looking at meeting people. Please note this is not a study guide, if I make any mistakes please let me know!

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Use vous (vooh) for strangers, workers, managers and older people.


Use tu (tew) for friends, animals, children and young people in informal settings.

Vous is also used as the plural for you in both formal and informal settings.

Referring to men and women in formal settings:
  • Monsieur (muh-syuh)- mister/sir, used to address a man
  • Madame (mah-dahm)- miss/ma'am, used to address a woman

Saying hello


Bonjour (bohN-zhoohr)- hello/good day, use it when first greeting someone in the morning or afternoon


Salut (sah-lew)- hi or bye, used with people you are familiar with and children.

When you meet someone, rather than a smile, in France you say something like Bonjour, monsieur/madame

Introducing names
  • Je m'appelle (zhuh mah-pehl)- My name is/ I call myself or Je suis- (zhuh swee) I am
  • Tu t'appelles (tew tah-pehl)- Your name is
  • Il/elle/on s'appelle (eel/ehl/ohN sah-pehl- his/her/its name is
  • Nous nous appelons (nooh nooh zah-plohN)- our names are
  • Vous vous appelez (vooh vooh zah-pley)- your names are
  • Ils/elles s'appellent (eel/ehl sah-pehl)- their names are

Asking someone for their name


Comment vous appelez-vous? (koh-mahN vooh zah-pley-vooh?)- What's your name?/What are your names? Singular/plural


Comment tu t'appelles? (koh-mahN tew tah-pehl?)/ Comment t'appelles-tu?(koh-mahN tah-pehl-tew?)- What's your name? Singular

Asking about others
  • Comment s'appelle?/ (koh-mahN sah-pehl)- What's their/its name? (general when you don't know)
  • Et lui, qui est-ce?(ey lwee, kee ehs)- and who is he?
  • Et elle, qui est-ce? (ey ehl, kee ehs)- and who is she?
  • The answer= C'est (sey)- that is

Introducing people


Je vous présente (zhuh vooh prey-zahNt)- let me introduce ... to you singular/plural


Je te présente (zhuh tuh prey-zahNt)- let me introduce ... to you singular
Voici.../voilà (vwah-see.../vwah-lah...)- here is.../ there is...

This will be answered by:
Enchanté (ahN-shahN-tey) from a man- delighted!
Enchantée (ahN-shahN-tey) from a woman- delighted!

Saying goodbye:
Au revoir (ohr-vwahr)- goodbye
Bonsoir (boHn-swahr)- hello/goodbye in the afternoon and evening
Bonne journée (buhhn zhoor-ney)- have a good day
Bonne soirée (buhhn swah-rey)- have a good evening (if that person has plans for the night)
Bonne nuit (buhhn nwee)- sleep well, used when you are going to bed
à bientôt (ah byaN-toh)- see you soon
à tout à l'heure (ah tooh tah luhr)- see you later
à demain (ah duh-maN)- see you tomorrow

Liked this post? Check out my French learning page here or improve your proficiency with Babbel (affiliate link).


  1. This was actually a really educational post! I did French in school but didn't get too far with it tbh! I found the pronouns of every item / thing really confusing! I think it's fab that you're learning a new language though - perfect time to do it too!


    1. Thank you! It can be so confusing but it's fun learning everything piece by piece.


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