Hi everyone! I've been trying to teach myself French for a while and I thought it would be fun to create some blog posts as I go along to help myself study so I will be doing regular posts on French. In my last post I discussed some basics when asking questions. In this post I will be looking at talking about careers. Please note this is not a study guide, if I make any mistakes please let me know!

Talking about your job:
E.g. Je suis secrétaire - I am a secretary
Some jobs have a female and male version. Generally when jobs end in an e the word is the same for both genders. Some jobs do not have a female version but culturally some French people will use their own versions, for example le professeure or le prof for a female teacher.
Examples of jobs:
Some work-related questions:
Some work-related vocabulary:
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Talking about your job:
E.g. Je suis secrétaire - I am a secretary
Some jobs have a female and male version. Generally when jobs end in an e the word is the same for both genders. Some jobs do not have a female version but culturally some French people will use their own versions, for example le professeure or le prof for a female teacher.
Examples of jobs:
- Le professeur - teacher/professor
- L'homme d'affaires/ la femme d'affaires- businessman/woman
- Le PDG (luh pey dey zhey)- CEO/ Président Directeur Général
- L'avocat/ l'avocate- lawyer
- L'informaticien/ l'informaticienne- computer scientist
- L'ingénieur- engineer
- L'architecte- architect
- Le/la dentiste- dentist
- Le médecin- doctor
- L'infirmier/ l'infirmiére- nurse
- Le serveur/ la serveuse- waiter/waitress
- Le retraité/ la retraitée- retired person
Some work-related questions:
- Quel est votre métier? - What is your profession?
- Qu'est-ce que vous faites dans la vie?- What do you do for a living?
- Pour quelle enterprise? OR compagnie travaillez-vous? - What company do you work for?
- Voyagez-vous souvent pour votre travail? - Do you travel often for your job?
Some work-related vocabulary:
- Mon bureau- my office
- Une compagnie- a company
- Un employé/ une employée- an employee
- Le voyage d'affaires- business trip
- Votre métier est intéressant- your profession is interesting
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