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Lucy Turns Pages: Things That I Have Been Trying For Self-Care

Things That I Have Been Trying For Self-Care

Hi everyone! I hope that you are all doing well. This has been a period of worsening mental health for quite a few of us and I have been trying to find ways to practice self-care and manage my well being so that I feel better. Here are some things that I have been trying. If you have any other suggestions please let me know!


 I have found colouring to be a useful way of breaking myself out of negative thinking. I have a few colouring books and I just chose which page I felt like colouring in at that time. I've been compiling a list of colouring books here, some I own and love and others look interesting to me and I would like to try in the future.


Yoga and meditation have been recommended to me and I actually got myself to try some yoga. So far it has seemed to be a bit helpful but I am going to keep trying it and see how I go. I am currently using the videos from Y aoga with Adrienne on YouTube. There is also this yoga book that I want to try.

Arts and Crafts

I am finding myself needing distraction. I used to be very creative but I haven't really felt like I've had the time or energy or motivation to create anything in a while. Recently I have been feeling more inspired and I have started to look at what resources I have and what I could use to make some different things. I've listed some supplies I've been looking at here. I am also starting to post again on my art Instagram if you would like to check that out.

Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing is such a relaxing game and I can spend hours just catching bugs. My island isn't the most decorated but it is fun to spend a bit of time each day exploring my island and building things.


Reading has been a bit hit and miss with me lately. I have realised that I don't need to read loads and read daily to be a good reader or to love books and so I am now more reading to my own pace. Audiobooks have been super helpful for me and Audible offer regular discounted membership which I love. I also love reading manga and that can be a fun form of reading.

So those are some things that I have been trying lately for self-care, what have you been trying? I would love to know.

This post contains some affiliate links, however all opinions are my own and honest


  1. I love seeing what others have been doing for their own self-care at this time. I must say I am totally with you on the arts and crafts front (although I have always been in this mind set).

    Thanks for sharing!

    Aimsy xoxo
    Aimsy’s Antics

  2. Reading and Yoga are my two biggest go-to’s when it comes to self care! I’m wanting to read more and more at the moment too, now I have the time to actually do it! <3 I’ve never really got into colouring sadly - it seems like such a relaxing hobby!



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