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Lucy Turns Pages: How Can You Dive Deeper Into Your Love of Literature?

How Can You Dive Deeper Into Your Love of Literature?

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Some people are just drawn to the written word. While others get their entertainment and knowledge from videos or other sources, wordsmiths get it from the book in their hands. If you think you’ve got a natural affinity for books and literature in general, then why not dive a little deeper? You’ll find that things become even more rewarding the deeper you dive into these types of topics. In this blog, we’re going to take a look at a few handy tips that’ll help you to appreciate literature on a much more advanced level.

Some people are just drawn to the written word. While others get their entertainment and knowledge from videos or other sources, wordsmiths get it from the book in their hands. If you think you’ve got a natural affinity for books and literature in general, then why not dive a little deeper? You’ll find that things become even more rewarding the deeper you dive into these types of topics. In this blog, we’re going to take a look at a few handy tips that’ll help you to appreciate literature on a much more advanced level.
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Get Writing

One of the best things about literature is it’s not something that you just passively receive: you’re an active part of the experience, even if you’re just reading. You’re the one who’s bringing the words on the page to life, after all. You can also play a more active role in literature by taking the time to write yourself. This can be a deeply rewarding act all on its own, but there is another benefit, too: you’ll find that you appreciate great literature all the more once you’ve seen just how difficult it can be.

Studying at University

Of all the regrets that people hold about their youth, that they chose to study the wrong thing at university is perhaps the most common. Some people decide to study on a course because it’ll impress other people or lead to a good job, rather than because it’s something that they inherently enjoy. But guess what? You can always go back, and study something you love, such as literature. Take a look at the best English literature courses in the country, and pick a university that excels in the subject. If it’s far away from where you live, then you may need to look at student accommodation too. Once you’ve begun your course, you’ll discover just how enjoyable it can be to spend your days reading and writing about the world’s greatest literature.

Connecting with Others
You would meet a lot of like-minded people if you attended a literature related university course, but if that’s not an option, then fear not, because there are other ways to connect with people. It could be a matter of seeing if there are any book clubs in your local area, and going along for a meeting. There are also some pretty large literature festivals in the UK and across the world, which would also help connect you with like-minded people. Another, more exciting option is to look at taking a trip overseas, following in the footsteps of literature’s greatest characters. There are tours organised by professionals, during which you’d explore literature and make friends, all the while overseas. Sounds perfect!

Podcasts and Blogs

Finally, you can learn more about literature by listening to what the experts have to say. There are plenty of great podcasts, blogs, and magazines that deal with literature. Keep up with the best ones, and you’ll find that your knowledge and understanding of the topic grows.

Create a Book Blog

Blogging is such a fun way to talk about the books you love and meet other likeminded people. I have met so many kind people through my blog. If you're new to blogging I highly recommend getting The Blogger's Survival Guide and A Beginner's Guide to Blogging, two guides which will cover everything you need to know to start blogging. They even had some advice that I wish I'd known earlier! You can then go on to learn about SEO and Pinterest to skyrocket your blog traffic.


  1. Even visiting places that are mentioned
    or dedicated in the book. Connecting with
    everyday situations..

  2. Lovely post. :) I think blogging is the best way to share your love for literature. if somebody doesn't want to go through the hassle of blogging, they can use social media to interact with like-minded individuals and share their views.

    1. Definitely! Twitter and Instagram are great for talking to other people who love books!

  3. I love connecting with others about literature and finding out the books they've read and are recommending. The world of readers and book bloggers is so amazing!


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