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Lucy Turns Pages: How to Create More Space in Your Home

How to Create More Space in Your Home

Most of us are cooped up at home right now, wishing we could be out in the open air. Being stuck in the house during lockdown can feel a little claustrophobic at times, particularly if you live in a small flat or share with other people. Going for a run in the park or a walk to the shops can help, but you still have to go back to your tiny space. Feeling cramped has a negative impact on your wellbeing and make you feel anxious and stressed. We need space to breathe and the freedom to move.

No matter how small or crowded your home is, there are ways to make it feel more spacious. Here are a few tips for creating more space in your house.

Clear out the clutter

The first step to making your home more spacious is to get rid of anything you don’t need. Unused possessions lying around have no purpose other than to add to the feeling of overcrowding. Try for a more minimalist approach. Ask yourself whether you need all those DVD’s and CD’s anymore when everything is available online. Get rid of all those clothes you haven’t worn in years. If you’re averse to throwing things out because of waste, don’t put them in the bin. You could always sell unwanted possessions online or consider donating them to a charity.

Create more storage

Now that you’ve cleared out all those unwanted items, the next step is to find a new home for all the things you do need. Being smart with your storage is a brilliant way to create more space. Items like clear plastic containers or chrome wire shelving are highly effective and versatile ways of grouping several things in one place and can be easily tucked out of the way. A good storage solution will not only give you more breathing room, but it also makes your life easier by enabling you to find things more easily.

Rearrange furniture

One of the reasons your home might feel cramped is because you are not making effective use of your furniture. Look at the layout of the rooms in your home and think about how you could move things around to create more space. Thinking with a Tetris mindset will enable you to make the most of the corners and edges to create more space in the centre of a room.

Use mirrors

A reflective surface is a surprisingly effective way of making a room appear larger. A mirror opposite a window to reflect the outside can give the illusion of extra space. It also makes a room brighter and, therefore, a happier, more positive place in which to spend time.

Change the colour scheme

One way of making a room feel more expansive is by painting the walls. Specific colours are known to make a room appear larger, and adopting a new colour scheme can make you feel like you are living in a much bigger space than you really are.

The size of your home does not matter. What’s important is that you feel relaxed, happy, and comfortable in it. By following these tips, you should be able to make your home feel less cramped and enjoy some of the benefits of a roomier living space.

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  1. Great tips! We've been working on most of these over the last two months, with varying success! Clutter seems to be the toughest to deal with, deciding what to keep and what to get rid of! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Such good tips! Getting rid of stuff I don't need always frees up so much space in my house.


    1. Yeah it's a good thing to do every now and then!

  3. Oooh! I love that you can make a small room seem bigger - rearranging furniture to create some open space goes a long way. The color scheme is important too, same with lighting!

    Nancy ♥ exquisitely.me


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