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Lucy Turns Pages: Exile (The Extinction Trials Book 2) Review!

Exile (The Extinction Trials Book 2) Review!

This review may contain spoilers. This post includes affiliate links however all my opinions are my own and honest.

Exile is the second book in The Extinction Trials trilogy (I reviewed the first book here). In Exile, we follow Storm and Lincoln again, first with their lives in Earthasia, their jobs and their lives and then as they venture Piloria again.  young adult books, ya dystopia, young adult dystopia, dystopian novels, books like the hunger games, books to read, ya books, ya books to read, ya book covers, ya book recommendations, ya books aesthetic, ya books 2020, ya books romance, popular books, popular books for teens, popular book series, teen books, book reviews, book reviewer, book worms, book aesthetic, book review, book review blogs, book blog, book blog post ideas, book blogger, book blogging, book blog ideas, book blog to follow, reading, reading aesthetic, blog, blog post ideas, fantasy, science fiction. sci fi, fantasy books,Title: Exile (The Extinction Trials Book 2)
Author: S. M. Wilson
Genres: YA, Dystopian
Buy links: Amazon - Book Depository


Exile is the second book in The Extinction Trials trilogy (I reviewed the first book here). In Exile, we follow Storm and Lincoln again, first with their lives in Earthasia, their jobs and their lives and then as they venture Piloria again.

The scientists are busy creating viruses to kill three of the dinosaurs on Piloria but then Lincoln sees a potential treatment for his sister, the only problem is he will have to go back to Piloria to fulfil it. Storm finds out more about her family and starts to build a relationship with her father. We also see Leif again and meet a new main character, we also find out more about a couple of existing characters.

My thoughts:

I loved this book. I enjoyed it more than the first and I sped through it, reading most of it in one day. I loved seeing the relationships from the previous book change and develop. It was great to see things improve for some of the characters, to see the return of some and to find out more about others. There were so many relationships explored in this book and it all connected really well.

Piloria was still as terrifying as before and we were introduced to new dangerous creatures. One of them was a little unbelievable but in this world much could be possible.

There were a couple of issues in this book that did not make sense to me. In the first book, they only returned with two eggs from two different dinosaurs but in this book they were suddenly examining and creating viruses for three even though the Pterosaur egg was destroyed and as far as we know no one returned with even the remains. Secondly, Lincoln said that Storm and Leif had been caught in a tree against the Velociraptors when it was actually Storm and Kronar and I just read the books back to back so these things really stood out to me. I was also surprised at the indication that the viruses may actually work given the short period of time they spent creating them

These issues aside, I did really enjoy this book and I am going to read the third and final book straight away. I can't wait to see more from these characters.

Although I loved this book, I have lowered my rating due to the issues stated above.

My rating: 4/5 stars

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