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Lucy Turns Pages: Marketing During The Coronavirus Pandemic: Things To Think About

Marketing During The Coronavirus Pandemic: Things To Think About

This is a collaborative post and it may contain some affiliate links

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has hit the world hard and only now, after months of global lockdowns and quarantining, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of death are the figures even starting to even out. It is going to be a very long time - if ever - before things are back to resembling anything resembling normal. This means that we all, from retail to corporate business, education, and our personal lives, have to adapt and look at new ways to live.

If you are a small business, you may be worrying about how you continue to market your products or services during the crisis while remaining sensitive to the situation. In this post, we are going to cover just a few of the things that you need to keep in mind while keeping your business afloat.

Image credit: Pixabay CC0 License
Update your FAQ page

This is especially relevant if your company is part of the travel or health industry in any way, but it is advisable for any organization. The US Chamber of Commerce recommends that you have one to address any questions that your patients, customers, or visitors may have about the pandemic. By doing this, you will not only show visitors to your website that you care, but it will also help to optimize your site for relevant search terms on Google.

Keep your content up to date

This should be something you are doing as a matter of habit anyway, but it is even more critical at the moment. Ensure that you are producing fresh, up to date content and in-keeping with what is going on in the world. Again, this is beneficial for search engine optimization purposes as well.

Also, by centering your content around something relevant, it makes it more readable and more shareable on social media. At the moment, you may want to step away from purely promotional content. Instead, show that you are there with your customers and include more altruistic content; playing your part in making this difficult time a little easier. Perhaps you could offer one of your paid services or resources free or heavily discounted for a time?

Make it fun

While in the above point, we talked about not promoting products too heavily, you can still do remind customers of what you sell. Make it a little more fun or heartwarming, if appropriate - this can sometimes be the best way to deliver a message. Maybe you could produce a video that shows your product or team in action? Many businesses are putting together video montages to replace standard adverts at the moment, to reflect the ‘we are in this together’ theme. This also shows that you are down to earth and approachable as a business.

Marketing does not have to stop because of a virus. It has to change, and in some cases, it has to do so quite dramatically. However, this is not always a bad thing, and as we start to find our way in a new post-pandemic world, the way we market our small businesses will become even more critical.

Other resources that you may find helpful as a business

Get free one day delivery and save on bulk buying with a free Amazon business account. Get this SEO guide to boost traffic to your website. Pinterest is also an amazing way to drive customers to your product or service, this guide tells you everything you need to know to send thousands of potential customers to your business.

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