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Lucy Turns Pages: Should New Entrepreneurs Consider Working With a Business Coach?

Should New Entrepreneurs Consider Working With a Business Coach?

This is a collaborative post and it may contain some affiliate links

When you first decide to become an entrepreneur, you’ll likely be looking at a lot of videos and articles on the internet to help you get started with your endeavour. It’s a daunting prospect to start up your own business, but thankfully, the internet has a lot of different resources to help you get your foot in the door.

Unfortunately, sooner or later, you’re going to reach a point where simply following static advice like old blog posts and news articles isn’t going to cut it anymore. There comes a point where every entrepreneur needs to face the facts; failure is required in order to learn. Making mistakes helps us learn why we made those mistakes, how to avoid them in the future and how to improve our businesses and our approach.

But there is one way to speed up this learning process; by hiring a coach.

What does a business coach do?

A business coach will teach you a few important things:
  • Getting your new business off the ground
  • Balancing your lifestyle for work and family
  • Lessons from their own experience to help you make the right decisions
  • Push your business’s limitations
  • Dealing with uncomfortable or unfamiliar situations
  • Becoming an approachable person that can lead the business to success
  • Navigating and learning from failures
There are a lot of different reasons to hire a business coach. It comes with many advantages that will greatly reduce the amount of time it takes for you to learn how to run a successful business. In addition, having someone at your side to talk about your business is always a positive thing. You’ll have someone to rant to, speak with about uncomfortable situations and ask for advice. You can even consider them a mentor of sorts.

But is a business coach right for me?

As a new entrepreneur, you may consider looking for the best business coach around due to their reputation or credentials. While this is a great way to find an experienced business coach, there are other factors that you might want to consider before picking one.

For instance, you should be looking for someone that you can connect with on a personal level. A business coach doesn’t have to be all business, and there are factors outside of their experience that are going to have a meaningful impact on your relationship. For instance, if you don’t feel comfortable around them or feel like they’re overbearing, then it will ruin your business relationship and make it difficult to work together. However, if you’re friendly with each other and find it easy to open up and speak to them about your problems, you’ll have a much easier time getting along and learning from them.

So while a business coach is always a good idea for new entrepreneurs, you need to take caution when picking a business coach. Choose one that resonates with you and the type of business you run and make sure they’re the one fitting around your ideals, not the other way around.

Other resources that could help your business

Get free one day delivery and save on bulk buying with a free Amazon business account. Get this SEO guide to boost traffic to your website. Pinterest is also an amazing way to drive customers to your product or service, this guide tells you everything you need to know to send thousands of potential customers to your business.

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