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Lucy Turns Pages: I Made My First Digital Products: Book Trackers & Planners!

I Made My First Digital Products: Book Trackers & Planners!

This post contains affiliate links. However, all thoughts are my own and honest.

Digital products are quite popular now with some of the main places to sell being Gumroad, Etsy and Payhip. I've loved reading blogging ebooks, such as The Blogger's Survival Guide and Big Pin Energy through these services. I decided to create some planners and trackers, something that I love using and that I've made for myself in the past.

The Ultimate Book Tracking Bundle

I made this bundle based on all of the resources that I know would be helpful as someone who blogs about books, reviews books and obviously reads books. It contains seven trackers that you can fill in through Word or you can print and write on. It includes a TBR tracker, monthly books read, monthly mini book reviews, a readathon tracker, upcoming book releases tracker, ARC tracker and books to get planner.

You Rock Planner Bundle

I then decided to create a planner bundle. I've previously talked about how using a to do list can be helpful for anxiety. I like using planning tools to put thoughts down onto paper, to see what I need to do and to satisfyingly tick them off when I've done them. This bundle includes a monthly planner, a weekly planner, a daily to do list, goal setting and a gratitude journal. The monthly and weekly planners come in white, blue, green and pink.

I have some ideas for future digital products I may make. I have had so much fun making these sets and I know they can be super helpful! Both of these bundles are currently £2 each on my Gumroad page.

Have you created any digital products? 

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