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Lucy Turns Pages: Top 5 Books That I Want to Read Soon!

Top 5 Books That I Want to Read Soon!

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One of my goals is to read more, especially to reduce my physical TBR (to be read/my shelf). I thought I would make a post about 5 books that I would like to read soon and why!
Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson

This YA fantasy is set in a world where librarians watch over grimoires that can turn into monsters. I believe we follow a librarian and that there is a romance. I have heard mixed views about this book but I would love to check it out soon. Also, the hardcover copy is beautiful!

A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin

So most people know of A Game of Thrones. I originally started reading the first book years ago but for some reason I just never finished it. I have since seen the TV show and I am hoping that George R. R. Martin will change the ending of the story! I want to try to read the books as I know that there are a lot of extra things in the books that weren't in the show, as well as there being some differences too. Have you read this series?

The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon

I haven't read anything by Samantha Shannon yet but I do also have The Bone Season on my TBR. I would like to read this chunky book first because I think that it features dragons. All I know is that this is an epic fantasy that a lot of people love and it is quite long at 848 pages.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

This is one of those 'classic' YA fantasies that everyone used to talk about that I still have not read. I have a few of these types of books that I would like to read soon but this is one of the ones that I am most interested in. I checked out the sample for the audiobook for this and I am quite excited to listen to it soon. I don't really know much about this book, I have some theories from things that I have heard but I am not totally sure what it is about and I think that's a nice way to go into a book sometimes! I would also like to check out her Strange the Dreamer series after this.

The Promised Neverland volume 2 by Kaiu Shirai, illustrated by 
Posuka Demizu

I read the first volume in this series a few months ago and it was totally not what I expected at all, but in a good way. I have learnt this year that horror manga seems to be a good genre for me. I read Parasyte and absolutely loved it and then I requested the first volume in this series, expecting it to be a manga following the lost boys in Peter Pan's world but instead I read about a group of children in an orphanage surrounded by tall walls, who only ever leave when they are adopted at the age of 11 I think it was. One day two of the boys follow the woman who runs the orphanage as she takes one of the children to be adopted and they find out that everything is not as lovely as it seems. This is a slightly scary and mysterious manga and I would like to read the next volume soon.

So those are 5 of the books that I would like to read soon. Let me know if you have read any of these and what your thoughts are and also what books you would like to read soon!

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