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Lucy Turns Pages: Books I Want to Read by the End of the Year!

Books I Want to Read by the End of the Year!

 I have been reading more regularly lately and there are so many books that I want to read. Here are the top books that I would really like to read by the end of the year.

A Sprinkle of Sorcery

I recently read A Pinch of Magic, the first book in this series and I absolutely adored it. It is classed as middlegrade I believe and it has made me want to read more middlegrades. I am really excited to read A Sprinkle of Sorcery and I am aiming to read it soon.

Midnight Sun

I loved the Twilight series back in the day. I wasn't planning on getting this book but then I saw people talking about it and how we get to find out some new things that we didn't know before and it made me want to check it out. This book is massive but I am planning to read it soon!

The Final Empire

I have been on a mission to read popular fantasy books. I got The Final Empire a while ago and I read the beginning and loved it but for some reason did not continue reading. I would like to read this book before the end of the year so I can then move on to more books by Brandon Sanderson. 

Game of Thrones

I still haven't finished this big book! I am determined to give it a good go before the end of the year. I am not sure if I want to read all of the books because I do know what happened in the TV show but I am going to see if the differences, extra information and not remembering every detail mean that I keep reading the books. 

A Darker Shade of Magic

This is another book that I have had for a while. I have tried to read it a couple of times with mixed views but I have recently been reading Vengeful, the sequel to Vicious and I want to give A Darker Shade of Magic another try. 

So those are 5 books that I would like to read by the end of the year. What books are you hoping to read before the end of 2020?

If you'd like to check out any of these books, please feel free to check out my affiliate links: Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, Book Depository. Thank you for your support!

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