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Lucy Turns Pages: Getting Your Office Ready For Winter

Getting Your Office Ready For Winter

This is a collaborative post and it may contain some affiliate links.

Winter is approaching and, just like everywhere else, the office can become a victim to turns in the weather, especially the cold. If your employees have complained about working during the winter before and you have noticed that the office isn’t as equipped to handle the cold as you would like, then here are a few tips that can help you better deal with it.

Should you encourage workers to come in?

This year, more than ever, there is a better reason to allow your team to work as remote workers from home. Aside from the obvious issue of the pandemic that we’re hoping to ease our way out of by early next year, you also need to keep an eye on weather forecasts. The roads can be especially dangerous in the winter and if your team has to commute far to reach your property, then it may be worth simply closing the office and letting everyone work remotely.

Invest in better heating measures

If you do still want your employees to come into the office, then you should make sure that it’s able to keep them safe, comfortable, and warm. It may be worth having engineers take a look at your existing heating system to fix any inefficiencies that might be plaguing it. Otherwise, space heaters or even a furnace supplied with red diesel from fuelbox.co.uk may be just what you need to bring some much-needed warmth to the space. Just be sure to be careful in choosing the safest and most cost-effective heating provisions for your space.

Seal that space up

It won’t matter how well-heated your business property is if it isn’t able to keep hold of any of the heat that’s produced, however. All buildings leak heat without insulation. However, commercial structures like offices and warehouses that aren’t built with the comforts of home in mind can often leak a lot more heat a lot quicker. To that end, you should look at options like commercial insulation from foamspray.co.uk and figure out how much it costs in your budget to offer your building the kind of protection from the elements that it needs.

Take good care of the property

Not only can the property be colder in the winter, but it can be more dangerous, too. This is especially true of the outdoors. Any walkways or car parks that are part of your property can become slicked over with ice during the worst of the winter weather and you can be held responsible for any slips, trips, or falls that happen there as a result. As such, you should either take the time to salt and grit those areas yourself or work with a property maintenance service provider who can do it for you.

It’s your responsibility as an employer to ensure the safety of the workers in your office and, believe it or not, the cold can be a significant part of that. Take your role seriously and get your office ready for winter for the good of everyone.

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