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Lucy Turns Pages: 2020-03-22

English Grammar: Present Simple Tense

Hi everyone, as some of you may know, my goal is to become an English Language Teacher. I decided to create a blog post series where I study and review topics that I will need to be knowledgeable about. My last post was about present continuous tense! This post will be about present simple tense!

Present simple tense= I do

Woman Sitting on Brown Stool

English Grammar: Present Continuous Tense

Hi everyone, as some of you may know, my goal is to become an English Language Teacher. I decided to create a blog post series where I study and review topics that I will need to be knowledgeable about. Today we will be talking about present continuous tense!

Present continuous= I am doing

4 Reasons Why Heading Back Into Education Is A Pretty Good Idea

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In this life, we have an almost endless amount of opportunities. Some of us are bound by certain commitments at particular points in life, but we all can genuinely do whatever we please when it comes to our careers and other occupational ventures – if we put the work in, of course. If we really focus on something, then we can reach our goals – that’s a fact.

The Power of Having a Niche

Being a writer is tough in today’s business landscape. Our work is often undervalued, unappreciated, and underpaid. We have to spend long hours for years at a time just to get to a point where clients will pay us a price that reflects what we put into a project.

One way to fast track your writing career and get paid more is to decide on your niche/s. Here’s why developing a niche or a few niches are so crucial as a writer.

1. Everyone is a Generalist

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