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Lucy Turns Pages: 2020-05-17

How to Create More Space in Your Home

Most of us are cooped up at home right now, wishing we could be out in the open air. Being stuck in the house during lockdown can feel a little claustrophobic at times, particularly if you live in a small flat or share with other people. Going for a run in the park or a walk to the shops can help, but you still have to go back to your tiny space. Feeling cramped has a negative impact on your wellbeing and make you feel anxious and stressed. We need space to breathe and the freedom to move.

No matter how small or crowded your home is, there are ways to make it feel more spacious. Here are a few tips for creating more space in your house.

5 Reasons Your Business Needs A Blog In 2020

This is a collaborative post and it may contain some affiliate links

There might be many fancy new marketing methods out there, but blogging is still highly effective, which is why it’s here to stay! If your business doesn’t have a blog yet, here come five good reasons why you should change that.

1 . Present yourself as the expert

With a business blog you can show your readers that you are an expert in your field. When you teach your audience, using engaging posts, you’ll come to be a thought leader and raise your credibility. Remember, your blog doesn’t have to be written content only. You can just as easily incorporate video content to make the experience more visual and engaging.

How to Reduce Stress and Sleep Better

As part of World Mental Health Awareness Week (18th-24th May), the impact of sleep on mental health is being discussed more openly. The Mental Health foundation have stated how important sleep is in supporting our mental health.

Kalms are aiming to raise awareness of the stress-sleep cycle in their #KeepKalms and Carry On Campaign. They kindly asked me if I wanted to share this information on my blog, this post is not sponsored.

What is the Stress-Sleep Cycle?

Stress can be a major contributing factor to lack of sleep. Stress is how our body reacts when we are faced with certain situations. Stress can be beneficial in small bursts but if it persists, it can be harmful to us. Stress can negatively impact our physical and mental health, as well as our sleeping patterns.
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