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Lucy Turns Pages: 2020-06-07

These Essential Tips will Help you to make your Small Business More Efficient

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Everyone out there has the ultimate aim of getting ahead of their competition. If you want to do this properly, then you need to make sure that you are running an efficient business. There are many ways that you can do this, and it doesn’t have to take a lot of effort either.

Create a Business Plan

If you do not have a solid business plan, then you will struggle. Your business plan is the backbone of your company. It’s a manifesto that helps you to outline your goals and your projected growth. Creating a business plan will also help you to achieve any entrepreneurial goals that you have, such as what sales you need to meet or even how much profit you need to make per month. Your business plan should detail your expenses too. If you’re wondering “what's the price of red diesel?” then now’s the time to find out.

Marketing During The Coronavirus Pandemic: Things To Think About

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The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has hit the world hard and only now, after months of global lockdowns and quarantining, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of death are the figures even starting to even out. It is going to be a very long time - if ever - before things are back to resembling anything resembling normal. This means that we all, from retail to corporate business, education, and our personal lives, have to adapt and look at new ways to live.

If you are a small business, you may be worrying about how you continue to market your products or services during the crisis while remaining sensitive to the situation. In this post, we are going to cover just a few of the things that you need to keep in mind while keeping your business afloat.

Image credit: Pixabay CC0 License

Three Ways to Create the Perfect Reading Environment

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Cosying up with a good book can be one of the most relaxing activities out there. Escaping to a new world and meeting new characters is the perfect antidote to the stresses of your life. However, it can be hard to find the perfect space and time to truly lose yourself within a book - your family might be running around you, or there’s too much noise coming from outside, or you can’t quite get to that comfortable position. As much as you want to read, it’s all too easy to get distracted! If you’ve ever felt jealous of those gorgeous ‘reading nooks’ you see online, and you want to create the perfect reading environment follow the tips below to get started.

How to Set Up a Successful Small Business Blog

This is a collaborative post and it may contain some affiliate links

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So, you want to increase your small business’ online presence? Creating a business blog is the first step you should take. It’s an effective and low cost tool that can greatly support your business strategy, including your marketing, brand-awareness and interaction with both existing and potential customers. The reason for the explosive popularity and growth of blogs is that they have made sharing thoughts and ideas easier than ever before - studies have shown that over 409 million people now view blog posts every month.

Exile (The Extinction Trials Book 2) Review!

This review may contain spoilers. This post includes affiliate links however all my opinions are my own and honest.

Exile is the second book in The Extinction Trials trilogy (I reviewed the first book here). In Exile, we follow Storm and Lincoln again, first with their lives in Earthasia, their jobs and their lives and then as they venture Piloria again.  young adult books, ya dystopia, young adult dystopia, dystopian novels, books like the hunger games, books to read, ya books, ya books to read, ya book covers, ya book recommendations, ya books aesthetic, ya books 2020, ya books romance, popular books, popular books for teens, popular book series, teen books, book reviews, book reviewer, book worms, book aesthetic, book review, book review blogs, book blog, book blog post ideas, book blogger, book blogging, book blog ideas, book blog to follow, reading, reading aesthetic, blog, blog post ideas, fantasy, science fiction. sci fi, fantasy books,Title: Exile (The Extinction Trials Book 2)
Author: S. M. Wilson
Genres: YA, Dystopian
Buy links: Amazon - Book Depository


Exile is the second book in The Extinction Trials trilogy (I reviewed the first book here). In Exile, we follow Storm and Lincoln again, first with their lives in Earthasia, their jobs and their lives and then as they venture Piloria again.

The scientists are busy creating viruses to kill three of the dinosaurs on Piloria but then Lincoln sees a potential treatment for his sister, the only problem is he will have to go back to Piloria to fulfil it. Storm finds out more about her family and starts to build a relationship with her father. We also see Leif again and meet a new main character, we also find out more about a couple of existing characters.
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