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Lucy Turns Pages: 2020-07-05

A Remote-Worker's Guide to Small Business Success

This is a collaborative post and it may contain some affiliate links.

With so many businesses, ranging from small to huge corporations, going to fully remote work rapidly, there has been a huge learning curve for founders, CEOs, and employees. If you haven’t already, go ahead and read the blog about how to set up a successful small business. While that guide still pertains to setting up a business, you may want to consider these tips on how to maintain your small business success while many of your employees work remotely.

Protect your physical goods

Keep your physical property safe. If you have a physical product or service, you may not spend as much time at your warehouse or storage property as you did before you migrated towards a more remote workforce. Simply put, this means you aren’t checking on your goods or property as often. If you have anxiety about the safety of your tools or products, have a closed-circuit television system installed. CCTVs are more of a deterrent than many other security options, and you can monitor the TVs from your home. Check out Securafit’s website if you’d like to learn more about CCTV installation to help keep your small business property safe, especially if you’re working from home more.

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