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Lucy Turns Pages: 2020-09-27

How To Make Your Reading Experience More Enjoyable

This is a collaborative post and it may contain some affiliate links.

Reading is perhaps one of the best hobbies and passions you can curate. It grants you insight, relaxation, amazing experiences far and wide, and can challenge you and your perspective on the world. Where else can you relate to people who live in vastly different circumstances to you as deeply as you can when reading that which they have written?

Reading is also good for your brain, helping you stay sharp between the ears, increasing your working and long-term memory, and also improving your vocabulary and communication skills. Regular readers are, on average, more likely to earn higher incomes, and are more likely to build focus and patience in their daily life.

More than all this, however, is that reading is fun! Going through a great book you enjoy can be even more pleasurable than playing a great video game or watching a brilliant movie, because it helps you relate to the characters and long-form plot more deeply than anything else. But what if you, a seasoned reader, wish to make your reading experience more enjoyable? Shouldn’t you be afforded that right?

We believe so. So - let’s see what differences you can enjoy going forward:

Improving Customer Experience During The Pandemic- Considerations For Business Owners

This is a collaborative post and it may contain some affiliate links.

There is no doubt that businesses have faced unprecedented challenges in 2020. As we continue to battle with a global pandemic, it’s crucial for companies to adapt and focus on providing a positive customer experience. If you’re looking for inspiration to keep existing customers happy and attract new clients, here are some considerations to bear in mind.

Embrace online shopping

Since lockdown measures were announced and consumers were encouraged to stay at home as much as possible, online sales have soared. Shopping online provides a safe alternative to going to physical stores, and it’s also quick and easy. If you didn’t already use the web to promote products and services or sell to customers or business clients, now is the time to embrace online shopping and capitalise on increased web usage. Research suggests that adults in the UK are spending around a quarter of their waking hours online. As a business owner, you can harness the power and reach of the web to increase sales and to provide a superior experience for your customers. Refresh, update and revamp your website, use social media to build a following and get in touch with existing customers via email and social channels to tell them all about the new buying options that are available to them. You could sell products online or you could offer options to place orders through an app or your website if you run a restaurant or a cafe that is serving takeaway food and drinks, for example.

Image by https://pixabay.com/photos/online-shopping-ecommerce-4275963/
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