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Lucy Turns Pages: 2020-10-11

Books I Want to Read by the End of the Year!

 I have been reading more regularly lately and there are so many books that I want to read. Here are the top books that I would really like to read by the end of the year.

A Sprinkle of Sorcery

I recently read A Pinch of Magic, the first book in this series and I absolutely adored it. It is classed as middlegrade I believe and it has made me want to read more middlegrades. I am really excited to read A Sprinkle of Sorcery and I am aiming to read it soon.

Helping Your Child Prepare For Their Math GCSE

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Maths past papers are widely available on the Internet today to help students prepare for their upcoming examinations. But, what is Edexcel? And, why are their GCSE papers so prominent in the UK? How can you help your child study for them? Let’s take a look in further detail…
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