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Lucy Turns Pages: 2021

Monthly Book Club Buddy Reads Announcement

Hi everyone! I recently opened the monthly membership option on my Ko-Fi. This is like Patreon but you can pay anything you want to support me and you get exclusive rewards. One of these is a monthly book club buddy read.

Why I opened Ko-Fi membership:
  • I wanted to create a community where we can chat & have somewhere to go
  • I wanted to have a place to talk about books as much as we like
  • I currently can't do things I used to do & things are uncertain so this would give me something concrete
The rewards

  • A shout-out at the end of every blog post, including your name and website or author page link (you can opt out, this excludes book spotlight posts)
  • Access to an exclusive Discord server to chat about books, health, games, writing/content creation etc.
  • Regular reading sprints by message on a dedicated Discord channel
  • Vote/contribute to upcoming content e.g. helping me decide my next read, blog post or topic to write a poem on
  • Sneak peaks into any upcoming plans
  • Monthly book club: help choose our book and chat about it on Discord 
  • An individual shout-out on Twitter once a week 
  • A shout-out in a monthly supporters blog post which can include your links and work and this will be shared on social media
  • Regular updates from me about books, life, health etc. 
  • Direct message me to request blog posts and tweets and if possible, I will try to create them

About the book club:

We will vote on a book to read every month, this could be a middlegrade fantasy, YA fantasy, manga, graphic novel, non-fiction book or something else. If we choose a short book we can choose a secondary read too. 

There will be a channel on the Discord server where we can discuss the book as we read it!

Some of the books may come from my TBR but members can suggest books to read too!


I would love to have Ko-Fi members as a space where we can chat and hang out and just have our own fun and supportive community. 

If you're interested in joining, please check out my membership page.

Thank you:

I just want to take this moment to say thank you so much to everyone for all of your support this year, everything is appreciated and valued so thank you.

The Realities of Pre-Diagnosis Chronic Symptoms

Hi everyone. So I have felt reluctant to write a post going into too much detail about my symptoms and my life right now but I feel like chronic symptoms are something that a lot of people don't really know much about and I want to bring more visibility to this and help those who may be in a similar boat to me, feel less alone. 

For a long time I have been dealing with fatigue and dizziness. I would wake up still tired, not feeling refreshed or rested at all. I would struggle with work and when I came home I would just be too tired to do anything. I've also been dealing with costochondritis for years which is inflammation that causes pain in the ribs and chest area.

This year, I began having pain in different areas of my body that would be intense and last a long time and then re-occur. It got to a point where my body just couldn't function anymore. 

For months, I have been dealing with pain, aches and stiffness all over my body, fatigue, migraines, headaches and dizziness that has been so debilitating that I am unable to do things that I used to do. 

My symptoms fluctuate within the day and from day to day so I will have periods where the fatigue is more prevalent or a migraine or body pain. 

I'm on medication to help with the symptoms but it doesn't take them away or make them a lot better. It just means that I have less times of being in agonising pain where I want to cry but can't because I'm in so much pain.

I'm waiting to see a specialist so that I can get a diagnosis and effective treatment.

The future feels so unknown to me right now because I don't know how much better I will get and what I will or won't be able to manage, which isn't great when you already have anxiety. But each day I am trying not to let my anxiety take over my day and to try to have a positive mindset. To focus on what I can do and not what I can't. To celebrate allowing myself to rest without feeling bad about it. Because I literally can't do things like I used to do. There are limitations. Depending on how I feel, I can do small tasks but the more I do, the worse I seem to feel later on. 

I'm getting better at pacing, a technique that some people with chronic illness use where you rest between activities and don't give yourself too much to do. It's hard because I want to be able to do a lot of things but I just can't. Activities I can do can make my symptoms worse, especially when it involves something physical. Similarly, I have a lot of times where I feel like I can't think. 

Living with chronic symptoms isn't easy. Especially when society conditions you to be a working, productive person and doesn't include those who simply cannot. I pushed my body for so long that it just couldn't anymore. 

If you deal with chronic symptoms, please feel free to DM me on Twitter. If you would be interested in writing a guest post for my blog please email me at lucyisreading@gmail.com.

I hope this post helps.


Support me via Ko-Fi- here you can join my Ko-Fi exclusive book club, request content, join our Discord server and more!

My 2022 Goals

Hi everyone! I love setting goals and planning things. Here are most of my goals for the following year. In 2022 I am going to put my physical and mental health first, look after myself and do more of what makes me happy.

  • Read lots of middle grade & children's fantasy
  • Listen to non-fiction audiobooks (particularly biology)
  • Do mindfulness colouring books
  • Complete at least one jigsaw puzzle (bookish themed)
  • Learn and revise all of French on Duolingo
  • Play games more 
  • Get a diagnosis for my chronic symptoms (this is more of a strong hope)

Wish me luck with these! Do you have any goals for 2022?

Support me via Ko-Fi- here you can join my Ko-Fi exclusive book club, request content, join our Discord server and more!

Join my little community on Ko-Fi!

Hi everyone, this is just a quick post to say that I have set up a monthly membership option on my Ko-Fi page. You can choose to support me from £2 a month up. You will get:

-A shout-out at the end of every blog post, including your name and website or author page link (you can opt out, this excludes book spotlight posts)

-Access to an exclusive Discord server to chat about books, health, games, writing/content creation etc.

-Regular reading sprints by message on a dedicated Discord channel

-Vote/contribute to upcoming content e.g. helping me decide my next read, blog post or topic to write a poem on

-Sneak peaks into any upcoming plans

-Monthly book club: help choose our book and chat about it on Discord

-An individual shout-out on Twitter once a week

-A shout-out in a monthly supporters blog post which can include your links and work and this will be shared on social media

-Regular updates from me about books, life, health etc.

-Direct message me to request blog posts and tweets and if possible, I will try to create them

If you'd like to support me in this way, thank you so so much, I have no words but it is really appreciated and it will really help me. I hope that anyone who joins this little community will have a lot of fun and feel like it is a safe space to chat and hang out. If you'd like to join, check out my membership page here. Thank you for all of your support in any way- comments, sharing posts, retweets, kind words. Everything means so much to me.

Where to Get Free Audiobooks & Ebooks!

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I love audiobooks and ebooks. I find them really helpful for reading more and audiobooks are great for reading whilst doing other activities. Here are places where you can get free audiobooks and ebooks!

Libro FM is an amazing website where you can get audiobooks and support independent bookshops at the same time. It is the same price as other audiobook services which is great because you can also support indies at the same time. 

Libro FM are currently offering a free audiobook when you sign up for a membership, so instead of one audiobook credit, you get two.

Scribd is an awesome app where you can access a ton of audiobooks and ebooks! If you use my referral link you can get 60 days free and you can cancel anytime. If you like audiobooks and ebooks and you read a lot, I would recommend continuing with the paid membership once the free trial is finished.


If you have a library card, it is very likely that your library has the Overdrive or Libby app where you can read audiobooks and ebooks for free. The range varies depending on your library.

You can get a free trial for Audible if you haven't already got a membership. They also run regular deals on paid membership which is great.

Kindle Unlimited is brilliant if you read a lot of ebooks. There are especially so many indie books available on Kindle Unlimited for free. You can get a free trial of Kindle Unlimited to start with and then if there are a lot of ebooks you are interested in, you can continue with a paid membership.

Do you use any of these services or would you like to?

My Top 4 Favourite (& Surprising) Books of 2021!

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2021 has been a wild year. In terms of my reading, I went through a variety of phases of trying different genres to find what my favourite types of books are. So let's see what my favourite books I read this year are!

1. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

This book has taken the book community by storm. It follows Evelyn Hugo throughout her life as she becomes a movie star and all about her seven husbands. 

I wasn't sure whether I would like this book but honestly? I loved it. 

This book was so emotional and by the end I was literally found sobbing over a fictional character.

Tips To Boost Visibility For Your Growing Business

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As your business continues to grow, it will require more focus, creativity, better planning, management, and attention from you. Without all of these and more, you risk losing your clients and reducing your conversions, and worse, your revenue.

Getting your business out there may be challenging, but here are some ways to boost its visibility.

Indie Showcase #4 Check Out These Books!

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Authors work really hard, pouring all of themselves into creating their passion projects and achieving their dreams. One thing that I want to do is to help authors to reach a wider audience and make more sales. Something very important for all authors, is receiving reviews. Reviews on Goodreads, Amazon, Waterstones and other shop websites help authors to find even more readers. Sometimes authors will run deals such as offering their book for free or for a cheaper price so that readers can access their books and review them for others to find. In these indie showcase posts I am going to share some of these books. Please check out any books that you are interested in and leave reviews online! See other indie showcase posts on my book lists page.

These Violent Nights

Once upon a time, inhabitants of another world tore a hole through the universe and came to Earth. They called themselves Suriias, and rivalled humans in knowledge and skill with one great exception: they had magic.

War followed. Humanity lost. And three hundred years later, humans are on the brink of extinction.

Orphans Thorn and Thistle live in hiding. They are the last of their families, the last of their friends. They scrape by, stealing to survive and living on the streets or hiding in sheds. But even under the brutal regime of the Suriias, there are places where humans can mingle in secret with magical sympathisers, and one night Thistle gets an unexpected offer of marriage from a Suriia with high standing and friends in all the right places. For Thistle, it’s a chance at safety and comfort; for Thorn, it’s a chance to find the ones who killed her parents.

And so the pair move into the capital city of Courtenz. An urban monstrosity of magic and might, false friends and flying cars, drones and death tolls, the new city promises a fresh start – and new love – for both.

But if there’s one thing Thorn knows for certain, it’s that dreams can swiftly turn into nightmares.

See Rebecca's other books.

Books for Sale: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Historical Fiction, Mystery, Horror & More

My friend has a lovely Ebay shop where she sells a variety of new and preloved items. Her service is brilliant and there are international shipping options. I am doing posts showcasing items that she has for sale! Click the link or picture to go to the item. See all of the things for sale here.

This post is all about some of the books that are for sale, see all of the books here

Promote Your Book/s with Book Spotlight Posts!


My blog is open for paid promotional posts to showcase your work! These posts can feature items such as a book cover, book description, book genre, author bio and buy links. These posts will stay on my blog and they will also be listed on my book spotlights page for readers to find.

Posts are £5 per book. 

The posts will also be shared on:
Twitter (7,000+ followers)
Pinterest (23k+ monthly views)
Instagram (1,200+ followers)

If you would like to work with me, please send all of the information you'd like to be included in the post to lucyisreading@gmail.com or through a message when you pay via my Ko-Fi page. Posts are published within 48 hours once information has been submitted and payment has been made. All genres are accepted as long as the book cover and the book description aren't graphic. 

Please pay via my Ko-Fi page: https://ko-fi.com/lucyturnspages/

December Wish List: Books, Games & Pokemon Merch

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Hi everyone! I thought I'd start doing monthly wish list-type posts where I share some things that are on my wish list and you might find something you're interested in too! Let me know if you have any of these things or if you would like to own them!


I have an Amazon wish list where I save all of the books I would like to read. Here are some books that I would love to read this month:

Mo Xiang Tong Xiu's books
Waterstones - Amazon - Book Depository

I recently discovered these books. The covers are very pretty and the synopsis' sound so good! There are currently three out that people seem to be loving on Twitter:


The blockbuster danmei/Boys' Love novels from China that inspired the animated series! This epic historical fantasy about a prince and the mysterious man by his side is now in English, for the very first time!Born the crown prince of a prosperous kingdom, Xie Lian was renowned for his beauty, strength, and purity. His years of dedication and noble deeds allowed him to ascend to godhood. But those who rise, can also fall...and fall he does, cast from the Heavens again and again and banished to the mortal realm. Eight hundred years after his mortal life, Xie Lian has ascended to godhood for the third time. Now only a lowly scrap collector, he is dispatched to wander the earthly realm to take on tasks appointed by the heavens to pay back debts and maintain his divinity. Aided by old friends and foes alike, and graced with the company of a mysterious young man with whom he feels an instant connection, Xie Lian must confront the horrors of his past in order to dispel the curse of his present. This xianxia fantasy tale built around the romanticized love between two men (danmei) has spawned an ongoing multimedia franchise that's beloved across the world. The Seven Seas English-language edition will include covers from 日出的小太陽 (tai3_3), and exclusive, all-new interior illustrations from ZeldaCW.

The One Strategy You Need to Beat Anxiety

Ok so first I want to preface this post by saying that there are many strategies for fighting anxiety and what works for one person might not work for another. If you have anxiety, please see a medical professional. Treatments include, but are not limited to: medication, therapy and self-help strategies. 

Author Shout-out: AJ Knox

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AJ Knox was born in Syracuse NY (1970- ) to Italian and German ancestry. He has worked overnights as an emergency dispatcher and spent his days dreaming of a better world.

A person who loves stories, it was only a matter of time before AJ starting writing stories of his own. He prefers stories to have a strong female lead and that is evident in his works.

His debut novella, The Universe Corps - Book 1: Cadet Margaret McBride was written to homage Star Trek, with Margaret starting her career and almost immediately finding herself in very serious situations.

AJ also has a short story in the recently published collection Beyond The Levee and other ghostly stories edited by Peter Talley. He has also published a collection of short horror stories that occur one night during the 2020 pandemic.

AJ is currently working on the second book for The Universe Corps.

Let's take a look at AJ's books!

The Universe Corps

They hated all living beings and were heading right for us.

Book Review: Skate the Thief by Jeff Ayers

This book was kindly sent to me to review. However, all opinions are my own and honest. This post also contains affiliate links.

Title: Skate the Thief
Author: Jeff Ayers
Genre: YA Fantasy
Buy links: Amazon.co.uk - Amazon.com
Available in paperback and on Kindle. Currently free on Kindle Unlimited in the UK!


In Skate the Thief, we follow a young girl named Skate who lives on the streets. She is a member of a gang and steals things to give to her boss. One day, she unknowingly tries to steal from a wizard. Wizards are seen as strange in this world and are relatively few in number, especially where Skate is. The wizard offers her a place to stay if she steals books for him.

Firstly, this book has a fascinating premise and it really did deliver. The writing was descriptive, the dialogue and characters felt real and fleshed-out and parts of this plot just felt so unique. I loved the "guardian" spider/bat creature that lived with the wizard! 

Parts of the story did feel slower in pace but it really allowed us to see Skate's life and what it is like to be homeless and alone. I really appreciated how the author did this.

The magic in this book was also really interesting and I wanted to find out more about it and the wizards.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and I would recommend it if you enjoy fantasy books. I feel like this book should be more known than it is so please check it out!

My rating: 4/5 stars

Support me via Ko-Fi- here you can join my Ko-Fi exclusive book club, request content, join our Discord server and more!

5 Reasons For Choosing A Job

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Finding a job can be challenging, but it can be made much more difficult if you don't know precisely what you're searching for. There are various reasons to choose a profession, as well as many advantages and drawbacks to consider, and what you really desire will rely on your personality and future ambitions. We've compiled some of the most important reasons for picking a profession, and maybe they'll help you choose the right career for you.

Photo by Justin Hamilton from Pexels

Content Creator Shout-out #1 Awesome Advocates

I have had the pleasure of meeting so many wonderful content creators during my time online. So many of these deserve a shout-out so here is the first (of many). Check out these creators!

Author Shout-out: O.J. Barré

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O.J. Barré hails from the lushly forested, red-clay hills near Atlanta, Georgia. From birth, O.J. was a force of nature. Barefoot and freckled, headstrong and gifted; she was, and is, sensitive to a fault. Books became her refuge as a young child, allowing O.J. to escape the confines of her turbulent alcoholic home on adventures to untold places and times. Her daddy's mother was a Willoughby, making O.J. a direct descendant of William the Conqueror. Her Awen series is a love letter to that distant past.

Let's look at O.J.'s books!

Awen Rising: A Near-Future Pre-Apocalyptic Urban Fantasy (The Awen Trilogy Book 1)

A secret society of Druids. An ancient Reptilian foe. Earth teeters in the balance.

Author Shout-out: Tessa Hastjarjanto

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Tessa Hastjarjanto is a Dutch/Indonesian writer from the Netherlands. She writes speculative fiction, and blogs at narratess.com about books, fountain pens, and writing.

From a young age, she imitated popular stories and games in creating her own worlds. This love eventually led to a master's degree in media and game studies at the University of Utrecht. However a mundane desk job was enough to inspire her to follow her creative passion. The first fanfics were written in lunch breaks and soon original fiction followed.

With the support of her husband, she now focuses on her writing career while battling chronic pain. Swiss white shepherd, Shiro, acts as a therapy dog to keep her healthy and reduce stress through extensive cuddle sessions.

Let's take a look at Tessa's books!

Devil's Deal (Infernal Contracts Book 1)

When two angels break their deal with the Devil, he comes for the one they’re trying to protect.

Guest Post: Depression Nest by Rachael Hawksworth

Depression Nest

It may not seem like much but today I cleaned my room.
Days like these dont come too often
Even if I didnt wake up till noon,
I still cleaned my room.

Life gets heavy sometimes
Depression weighs you down,
And no matter how much you want a clean, welcoming space
Motivation isnt easily found

Today I cleaned my room
Iv been meaning to do it for a while now
I swear Im not lazy, just down

Most days I feel happy
Some days I feel overcome
Other days arnt great at all
But the worst are when I'm numb

Not happy,
Not sad,
Not excited,
Not even bad…

While this might sound ideal,
life doesnt feel real
and its absolutely no way live…
…not able to feel.

Thats when I let myself go
Self care isnt a priority
Iv lost myself and I dont know…
How do I get back to ‘’normality’’

My personal space is neglected
Before I know it Im living in a mess
It may seem weird from the outside
But theres something comforting about my Depression nest

A small part of the world
Which is mine alone
Safe, messy, mine
In my nest, unknown.

To the outside world
I seem put together
Organised, confident, happy
Little do they know, I'm untethered.

But today, I cleaned my room.
To most, this had no meaning.
Something normal, a part of life
But for me, its healing.

Rachael is a lifestyle, travel and self-care blogger at https://rachaelhawksworth.com/. You can also follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

Book Review: The Hatmakers by Tamzin Merchant

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Title:  The Hatmakers
Author: Tamzin Merchant
Illustrator: Paola Escobar
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy


In The Hatmakers we are introduced to a unique and creative magical world set in England in the past but with a difference: there are families who make magical clothes and accessories that impact the wearer. Items that can make you feel brave or calm or sleep and so many other things. Cordelia is the youngest hatmaker. Her father has gone missing and strange things start happening. With a war looming, can Cordelia find her father and work out what is going on? 

A Look At... Witchlings by Claribel A. Ortega

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Title: Witchlings
Author: Claribel A. Ortega
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy
Buy links: Book Depository - Waterstones - Amazon.co.uk - Amazon.com


A middle grade Latine witch story with action-packed adventure, a coven of quirky Witchlings, humour and girl-power vibes.

Every year, in the magical town of Ravenskill, Witchlings who participate in the Black Moon Ceremony are placed into covens and come into their powers as full-fledged witches.

And twelve-year-old Seven Salazar can't wait to be placed in the most powerful coven with her best friend! But on the night of the ceremony, in front of the entire town, Seven isn't placed in one of the five covens. She's a Spare!

Guest Post: An Iota of Visibility

Most people don't know that I have seizure disorder. I can walk in a (quote-unquote) "normal" way and talk in a "normal" way. I can respond to social cues. When I inform people that I have a disability, they say things like "You're not in a wheelchair; you can't be disabled," or "My cousin is blind. Whatever you have isn't so bad."

I'm not wheelchair-bound and I'm not blind, thank goodness. But I do deal with seizures every single day of my life.

I get small "absence" seizures that last 1-3 seconds long. If I'm standing under bright light (like a florescent lightbulb or the sunlight), the seizures will repeat over and over. Trying to focus when this happens feels chaotic and disorienting, like trying to read while being in a wavepool. I'll slur my speech and blink my eyes rapidly. I cannot get tasks done. I'll lose my place in a conversation, forgetting what I had just said, or what has just been said to me.

Indie Showcase #3 A New Way of Story-Telling: Serialised Stories on Kindle Vella

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I recently learned about this new platform for writers. Kindle Vella, currently only US-based. Writers can publish a story in 'episodes' or chapters at a time. The first few episodes are free to read and then you can purchase Kindle tokens to read more. The writers release a new episode every week so you can essentially read a whole book on a chapter by chapter basis, much like how webcomics are released. Writers earn through reads and they also get bonuses which really help them. 

Here are a few writers who use Kindle Vella:

A Look At... The Mapmakers by Tamzin Merchant

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Title: The Mapmakers (The Hatmakers, book 2)
Author: Tamzin Merchant
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy
Buy links: Book Depository - Waterstones - Amazon.co.uk - Amazon.com


Return to the spellbinding world of Cordelia Hatmaker in this soaring magical sequel to The Hatmakers. Perfect for fans of Nevermoor and A Pinch of Magic.

Ever since Cordelia discovered the hidden map in her father's precious telescope, she's been searching the streets of London by starlight and trying to uncover its secrets. She's sure that her missing father is out there somewhere, and that if she follows his map, she'll finally discover the truth about his disappearance.

Christmas Gift Guide: Gifts for Everyone from Waterstones

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With Christmas fast approaching and supplies running low, you may be at a loss as to what to get people for Christmas. Well, here are some really fun and cute Christmas gift ideas!

A bookish plush

I love plushies and Waterstones have a ton of plushies based on book characters, the perfect gift for any age!

Waterstones have lots of different jigsaw puzzles, some based on books and others just for fun, such as this cat puzzle.

Indie Showcase #2 Books for Free or 99p/99 cents

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Authors work really hard, pouring all of themselves into creating their passion projects and achieving their dreams. One thing that I want to do is to help authors to reach a wider audience and make more sales. Something very important for all authors, is receiving reviews. Reviews on Goodreads, Amazon, Waterstones and other shop websites help authors to find even more readers. Sometimes authors will run deals such as offering their book for free or for a cheaper price so that readers can access their books and review them for others to find. In these indie showcase posts I am going to share some of these books. Please check out any books that you are interested in and leave reviews online! See other indie showcase posts on my book lists page.

A lot of indie books are free to read on Kindle Unlimited, which you can get a free trial of and then it is 9.99 a month with access to a ton of e-books so I'd definitely recommend checking that out.

If you are an author and you would like a dedicated post for your book, please check out my contact page for information on my paid spotlight posts. 

Introductions: Volume One

Free to Newsletter subscribers or 99p on Kindle.

A Look At... The Flames of Albiyon by Jean Menzies

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Title: The Flames of Albiyon
Author: Jean Menzies
Genre: Adult Fantasy Romance
Buy links: Book Depository - Waterstones - Amazon.co.uk - Amazon.com


A century since the monarchy was overthrown the country of Albiyon has become a haven for its citizens, the young scholar Adairia included. Raised within the Albiyan university’s walls she has dedicated her life to the pursuit of knowledge. Preferring to hole up in the library than seek adventure elsewhere, she has grown accustomed to her comfortable routine… until the day everything changes. When she unwittingly awakens a sleeping dragon’s egg, Adairia is thrust into unfamiliar territory.

Book Review: Eva Evergreen, Semi-Magical Witch by Julie Abe

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Title: Eva Evergreen, Semi-Magical Witch
Author: Julie Abe
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy
Buy links: Book Depository - Waterstones - Amazon.co.uk - Amazon.com


Eva Evergreen is the daughter of an extraordinary witch but Eva herself only has a pinch of magic. Whenever she uses her magic, she loses energy and can even pass out. To become a novice witch, Eva has to travel to a city and 'do good' within a month. 

Author Shout-out: Lali A. Love

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Welcome to an author shout-out post! For more information see this thread. Check out my book spotlights index and my shout-outs page for more indie authors to read from!

Lali A. Love is an avid supporter of other writers. Lali is an award-winning author and Amazon bestseller. She has written science fiction, dark fantasy, a paranormal thriller and poetry. Lali's books are available on Indigo, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Apple Books. Let's take a look at the books!

To view all of Lali's books, check out her Amazon page or website.


The De-Coding of Jo: Hall of Ignorance (Ascending Angel Academy Book 1)

What would you do if you accidentally discovered a holographic portal into the cosmos, in the basement of your high school's library? Would you take the leap of faith?

Ever since the fatal night her mother was taken hostage by a homicidal maniac, sixteen-year-old Jo has been plagued by debilitating nightmares. As she tries to unravel her bleak reality while attending Forest Hill Academy, a preppy co-ed private school, Jo and her friends discover a mysterious gateway into a Black Hole. Accidentally, evil is released from the portal as demonic parasites spread throughout the school. One by one they turn her classmates into an army of sleepwalkers, serving the Lord of Darkness in a sinister plot for universal domination.

When Jo is activated by the Council of Light, she discovers her mission and confronts her celestial identity, revealing the mystery of existence. With the help of her best friends and a Galactic Compass, Jo unleashes the cosmic powers of creation to prevent the Darkness from enslaving all of humanity into obscurity. Will she be able to decode the artificial system in time to save her friends and the sacred Light?

As the first book in the Ascending Angel Academy series, The De-Coding of Jo is a beautiful melding of fantasy, paranormal and science fiction with a diverse, gender inclusive cast that young adult readers can fully immerse themselves in.

A Look At... Doctor Who: At Childhood's End by Sophie Aldred

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Title: Doctor Who: At Childhood's End
Author: Sophie Aldred
Genre: Science Fiction
Buy links: Book Depository - Waterstones - Amazon.co.uk - Amazon.com


Past or future, which path do you choose?

Past, present and future collide as the Thirteenth Doctor meets classic Doctor Who companion Ace - in the first epic novel from the woman who played her, Sophie Aldred.

Book Review: Aru Shah and the End of Time by Roshani Chokshi

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Title: Aru Shah and the End of Time
Author: Roshani Chokshi
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy
Buy links: Book Depository - Waterstones - Amazon.co.uk - Amazon.com


Aru Shah and the End of Time follows Aru, a girl who makes up stories. One of these stories results in her touching a lamp that no one is allowed to touch which wakes a demon. Aru, her soul sister, Mini and a guardian stuck as a pigeon, have a limited number of days to stop the end of the world.

A Look At... The Lightning Catcher by Clare Weze

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Title: The Lightning Catcher
Author: Clare Weze
Genre: Middle Grade Sci-Fi
Buy links: Book Depository - Waterstones - Amazon.co.uk - Amazon.com

Alfie has noticed a few things since his family moved to Folding Ford.

He really misses life in the city. He and his sister don't exactly fit in here. But the most interesting one is that the weather is BONKERS. One frost-covered branch on one tree in the middle of June? A tiny whirlwind in a bucket in the garden? Only in Folding Ford. Armed with his bike, a notepad and his new best mate Sam, Alfie is going to investigate.

His best clue is Nathaniel Clemm ... the only thing in town weirder than the weather. When Alfie 'investigates' Mr Clemm's garden, only SLIGHTLY illegally, he finds a strange box that freezes his trainers and makes his teeth tingle. And when he opens it, only SLIGHTLY deliberately, SOMETHING gets out. Something fast, fizzing and sparking with electricity and very, very much alive.

But the creature from the box brings trouble of its own, and as barometers and tempers go haywire in Folding Ford, Alfie finds himself at the centre of a perfect storm.

Skellig meets Stranger Things in this funny, heartfelt adventure story perfect for fans of Ross Welford, Christopher Edge and Frank Cottrell Boyce.

My thoughts:

This is a book that I randomly found and the synopsis just pulled me in. It sounds like a comical science fiction where things will go wrong and I am interested to see the cause of the issue and how they will resolve everything.

Book Spotlight: Trauma Survivor's Guide to Coping with Panic Attacks: Focusing on Panic Associated with PTSD and cPTSD by Nicole Dake

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Title: Trauma Survivor's Guide to Coping with Panic Attacks: Focusing on Panic Associated with PTSD and cPTSD
Author: Nicole Dake
Buy links: Amazon.com - Amazon.co.uk 


PTSD controlled my life - no more. I once was a survivor, now I'm a warrior.

Panic attacks that result from PTSD and cPTSD can be debilitating. Research unfortunately falls short, telling those suffering from panic attacks to just "wait for them to be over." Over the years I have learned to cope, first preparing for panic attacks, and then calming down during a panic attack. I am sharing these coping skills with others who have PTSD, so they can go from being survivors to warriors too.

Author bio:

Nicole is a parenting and mom life blogger with two published books. Nicole's other book is called 
Happy. Healthy. Rich. The smart mom's guide to living your best life.


Book Spotlight: Happy. Healthy. Rich. The smart mom's guide to living your best life by Nicole Dake

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Title: Happy. Healthy. Rich. The smart mom's guide to living your best life
Author: Nicole Dake
Buy links: Amazon.com - Amazon.co.uk 


Happiness is more than the absence of pain. Don't spend your life running away from things, spend it running toward something instead. You only have one life to live.

Living your best life happens when you set goals in an intentional way. When you are a happier mom, you will have happier kids too!

Author bio:

Nicole is a parenting and mom life blogger with two published books. Nicole's other book is: Trauma Survivor's Guide to Coping with Panic Attacks: Focusing on Panic Associated with PTSD and cPTSD.


Finding Ways To Gain New Skills As An Adult

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Learning is one of the most important and most challenging aspects of life for many people. It doesn’t matter how old you are, picking up new skills can be a great way to improve your career, but achieving this goal can be trickier than many people expect. To help you out with this, this article will be exploring some of the best ways to gain new skills in the modern world. Even the busiest of adults can make options like this work, and the results can be well worth the effort.

Author Shout-out: Rebecca Crunden

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Rebecca Crunden is an author of many books and a big supporter of other indie authors, as well as bloggers. Here are some of her books, check out all of her books on her author page:

A Game of Wings and Marks

When Octavia Coal goes to the mountains to clear her head, she doesn’t expect to find an angel in trouble.

He tells her his name is Tamiel and he’s one of the Irin – the army of angels tasked with keeping demons from overwhelming humanity. But Tamiel broke a sacred law – he fell in love with a human – and now he’s being hunted by the same angels he once served.

With nowhere else to go, Octavia and Tamiel – along with Jack, the human in question, and her brother Caleb – appeal directly to Zev, the Demon of Games. A trickster of unparalleled power, Zev gives nothing for free, and the gift he offers Octavia to keep Tamiel alive comes with a confusing catch: He makes her the Healer of Raphael, archangel and Commander of the Irin.

Suddenly a target for both angels and demons, Octavia quickly learns that the only way to survive is to play the game better than they do.

The only problem is, she doesn’t know whose game she’s playing …

The Man and the Crow

Some witches curse, others are cursed. And sometimes, the cursed want revenge.

This short story was previously published in Spellbinding: An Anthology of Magic (2019).

These Violent Nights

Once upon a time, inhabitants of another world tore a hole through the universe and came to Earth. They called themselves Suriias, and rivalled humans in knowledge and skill with one great exception: they had magic.

War followed. Humanity lost. And three hundred years later, humans are on the brink of extinction.

Orphans Thorn and Thistle live in hiding. They are the last of their families, the last of their friends. They scrape by, stealing to survive and living on the streets or hiding in sheds. But even under the brutal regime of the Suriias, there are places where humans can mingle in secret with magical sympathisers, and one night Thistle gets an unexpected offer of marriage from a Suriia with high standing and friends in all the right places. For Thistle, it’s a chance at safety and comfort; for Thorn, it’s a chance to find the ones who killed her parents.

And so the pair move into the capital city of Courtenz. An urban monstrosity of magic and might, false friends and flying cars, drones and death tolls, the new city promises a fresh start – and new love – for both.

But if there’s one thing Thorn knows for certain, it’s that dreams can swiftly turn into nightmares.

Dust & Lightning

In the near future, humans have gone beyond simple space travel. By the year 4054, multiple solar systems are inhabited, and taking a spaceship is as commonplace as taking an aeroplane.

Unfortunately, not everything about the future is so advanced. The central planets, led by Earth, have risen high at the expense of cheap labour on distant worlds. Dissent is widespread and arrests are common. Sometimes prisoners are released; sometimes they disappear without a trace, sent to labour camps in other solar systems.

When Ames Emerys receives a letter telling him that his brother Callum has died en route to the remote planet of Kilnin, he takes the first ship he can off Earth, desperate for answers. But the secrets Ames uncovers prove far more dangerous than he could have imagined.

And trouble isn’t far behind.


When Eliza Owens gets a phone call in the middle of the night from a girl she’s never met, she doesn’t know what to think. The girl introduces herself as Paige, and says she used to date Erik Stern, Eliza’s fiancé. What’s more, she has something important to discuss.

The only problem? Paige has been dead for years.

Believing it to be a sick prank, Eliza tries to force it from her mind until Sam, Eliza’s older sister, tells her she met Paige only a few weeks before. And, according to Sam, Paige has nothing nice to say about Erik.

The fight which follows shatters the lives of everyone involved, and Erik disappears without a trace.

Five years later, Erik returns to town after his father’s death. Old wounds quickly resurface, and with them several burning questions. None the least of which is: Who spoke to Eliza and Sam if it wasn’t Paige? And why?

A Touch of Death (The Outlands Pentalogy Book 1)

A thousand years in the future, the last of humanity live inside the walls of the totalitarian Kingdom of Cutta. The rich live in Anais, the capital city of Cutta, sheltered from the famine and disease which ravage the rest of the Kingdom. Yet riches and power only go so far, and even Anaitians can be executed. It is only by the will of the King that Nate Anteros, son of the King’s favourite, is spared from the gallows after openly dissenting. But when he’s released from prison, Nate disappears.

A stark contrast, Catherine Taenia has spent her entire life comfortable and content. The daughter of the King’s Hangman and in love with Thom, Nate’s younger brother, her life has always been easy, ordered and comfortable. That is, where it doesn’t concern Nate. His actions sullied not only his future, but theirs. And unlike Thom, Catherine has never forgiven him.

Two years pass without a word, and then one night Nate returns. But things with Nate are never simple, and when one wrong move turns their lives upside down, the only thing left to do is run where the King’s guards cannot find them – the Outlands. Those wild, untamed lands which stretch around the great walls of the Kingdom, filled with mutants and rabids.

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Author Shout-out: Joharra Harper

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Joharra is an author and booktuber who is passionate about writing and the books she reads. You can so clearly see how much she loves writing. Here are her currently published books:

Jasmine Perez and the Wicked Sorceress (Book 1)

This is a story about Jasmine Perez. She is the Princess of one of the many Kingdoms in that Realm. But one day, a Wicked Sorceress kidnapped her people, including her father, the King. Jasmine has to leave her Palace, even though she has never left the Kingdom walls, along with two servants and her fiancé. They go on a long journey and find something that can help the on their mission, and find people who can help them as Jasmine practices her newly discovered magic. There is love, hate, adventure, action, anticipation, and lots of magic. Will she be able to stop arguing with her companions long enough to stay focused? Will she be able to defeat Lilac and save her people? Watch as Jasmine figures out who she is in time to save her Kingdom, and her entire Realm.

Jasmine Perez and Another Realm (Book 2)

It has been a year since Jasmine and Lucas disappeared through that portal. The group has been a mess since. Jax is distraught. Ben is trying to be there for everyone. Ava has other things on her mind. Ginny is hanging on by a thread. Lucas is close to breaking Jasmine, and Lilac is picking off her friends one by one. But when Amara comes to them, it looks like they may be able to save Jasmine after all. But first, Jasmine has to learn about both Rosemary and Alice's past. With Jasmine back in her Realm, the race is on. It is time for them to cook up a plan. To save Ben and Ava. To stop Lilac for good. But that may not be so easy. With everyone telling Jasmine she will have to Kill Ava, she looks to Alice and Rosemary for advice. But it may be hard for Jasmine to follow her heart, when the power inside her tries to take over her soul.

Jasmine Perez and the Enchantress (Book 3)

The hero's are back, for their biggest adventure yet. The stakes are higher than ever. With Lilac having nothing left to lose, and Jasmine having everything to lose. As Lilac becomes unstable and Jasmine's mental state begins to crumble, the allies prepare for War. Secrets of the Dark Forest are finally revealed as Jasmine's pull towards it becomes stronger. Just as Lilac appears to be winning, Jasmine discovers a powerful weapon that can put the odds in their favor. The Enchantress. An ancient legend that may have the answers that Jasmine has been looking for, a way to defeat Lilac and save the Realms, without murder. With Rosemary trying to convince her she has to kill Lilac, she realizes not everything is as it seems. The race is on as the final battle approaches. As Jasmine embraces her magic , she is finally ready to become who she was always meant to be.

The Curse's Light

Skylar Prescott is the only girl who knows the truth about their small little town. The town of Lawnsdale is cursed. No one believes the town's crazy girl. Until a strange boy finds himself thrown into the town, and now he can't leave. With Will by her side, Skylar may be able to finally figure out the missing details of the curse, including who's behind it. As Skylar and Will get closer, they can finally uncover all the secrets. But Skylar may find out how she's truly connected to this.

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Author Shout-Out: A E Bennett

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A E Bennett currently has two books out. I worked with her for a book spotlight post on her fantasy book, Gathering of the Four. She was kind enough to send me an e-copy of the book to read when I was feeling unwell. She has just released her debut romance book which is set in the same world as Gathering of the Four but it can be read separately. Here is some more information about her books:

Gathering of the Four: Book One of the Serrulata Saga

"In the Realm, every citizen knows their place."

Leora of Mae is a young woman orphaned at birth and raised on a remote farm. As a wielder of Xanthcraft, her abilities set her apart from her adoptive family and the other villagers.

Shortly before her twentieth birthday, she learns of her family’s plot to sell her into servitude. Fearing for her life, she flees from the only home she’s ever known—defying societal conventions and breaking the edicts of the Realm.

As she runs, Leora meets Roland Shallowbrook, a traveler on the Thieves’ Road; Lady Aurora Verte, daughter of a powerful member of the gentry; and the White Rider Leopold, a soldier with a secret.

Together, this found family will have to band together to survive.

Set in the distant future during the return of the Hale-Bopp comet, Gathering of the Four is the first book in The Serrulata Saga.

Yours and Mine: A Serrulata Saga Romance Novella (The Serrulata Saga)

She told a lie. He confirmed it. Now they’re secretly betrothed against their families’ wishes…

Lady Octavia Dorchester is the most desired young lady in the Realm. Now that she has twenty years behind her, society has deemed her ready to marry. Although she’s not enthusiastic, she promises to act like a proper lady and look for a good husband—just like her powerful father Lord Roman Dorchester wants.

Lord Gerald Verte has been painfully shy his entire life. He’s never been comfortable in society and lives in the shadow of his older brother, the imposing Lord Tristian Verte. Despite his desires to remain indoors and away from people, he promises his older brother that he won’t shame the family name, no matter how much his anxiety threatens to overwhelm him.

After sharing a dance at a ball held in Octavia’s honor, both she and Gerald know what no one else believes—it’s love at first sight.

When their respective family members object to the match, Octavia lies about their betrothal and Gerald corroborates her story. Raising the ire of both Lords Dorchester and Verte, Octavia and Gerald are torn apart and kept from one another until tragedy strikes.

This high-heat romance with a guaranteed HEA is a prequel to Gathering of the Four: Book One of the Serrulata Saga but can be read as a standalone.

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Author Shout-Out: Sheila Sellinger

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Sheila Sellinger is a Christian author who writes primarily adventure romance and biblical fiction. Sheila also writes on Vocal where she shares short stories about animals, as well as mystery/thriller stories. These are free to read and a great way to support a writer!

Here is some of her work:

Jessie's Life Song

Jessie's Song brings together Jessie and Kevin in a non-stop adventure as Kevin does everything he can to protect Jessie from her psychopath ex-husband, Randy, who is bent on her demise.

The Cuddle Puddle: A Picture and Poetry Book

The Cuddle Puddle contains a collection of kitten photographs and poetry that is perfect for the entire family. Many of the kittens featured were once part of a rescue and now have loving forever homes. We hope you find them a cute as we do.

If you don't know the story of Balaam's talking donkey, you're in for both a treat and an education.
Follow Achsa, Balaam's donkey, as she beings her adventure to see King Balak, and then see how her adventure turns into a misadventure as events lead her from one terrifying experience to the next.

Sheila's stories on Kindle Vella, where the first 3 episodes are free to read:

Desperate Passions


This is the story of four very different people in the Old West; James (the sheriff), Sarah (the teacher), Dillan (the wanderer), and Jenny (Dillan's sister) who find their lives suddenly entangled and forever changed by one another.


This is the fictional diary of an American Christian soldier in Iraq during the year 2003 when the US invaded the country with the support of Britain, Australia, Poland, Spain, and Denmark. The invasion lasted from March 20 to May 1, but troops remained until December 2011. Follow our soldier as he travels this adventure. Take a look inside his life and thoughts.

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