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Lucy Turns Pages: Fruit and vegetables in French: Learn French with me!

Fruit and vegetables in French: Learn French with me!

Hi everyone! I've been trying to teach myself French for a while and I thought it would be fun to create some blog posts as I go along to help myself study so I will be doing regular posts on French. If you'd like to see all of my posts check out my learning French page. Please note this is not a study guide, if I make any mistakes please let me know!

les fruits- fruits
la banane- banana
la pomme- apple
la poire- pear
la pêche- peach
l'abricot- apricot
la cerise- cherry
le raisin- grape
la prune- plum
la figue- fig
la framboise- raspberry
la fraise- strawberry
l'ananas- pineapple
l'orange- orange
la melon- canteloupe
la pastèque- watermelon

les légumes- vegetables
les pommes de terre- potatoes
les carottes- carrots
les haricots verts- green beans
les petits pois- peas
les épinards- spinach
les asperges- asparagus
le chou- cabbage
les choux de Bruxelles- brussels sprouts
le chou-fleur- cauliflower
les panais- parsnips
les poireaux- leeks
les champignons- mushrooms
les oignons- onions
les oignons de printemps- spring onions

If you liked this post, you might like to check out my YouTube channel where I vlog about what I'm up to!

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