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Lucy Turns Pages: Dealing With Grief: 5 Ways That Help When You’ve Lost a Loved One

Dealing With Grief: 5 Ways That Help When You’ve Lost a Loved One

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The experience of mourning the loss of a loved one like a family member or close friend is something you wouldn’t want to wish on your worst enemy. It’s something that everyone must deal with at some stage.

Grief can affect people in all kinds of ways, and if you’re already battling mental health problems, it can affect you more deeply than other people. The following are some practical concepts to bear in mind when coping with the loss of a loved one:

1. Don’t Handle the Arrangements Alone

If you’re grieving for the loss of a parent or another close family member, for example, don’t feel you have to sort the arrangements out yourself. For instance, when it comes to funerals, you can ask a funeral director to take care of all the details on your behalf.

They can organise things like setting up the funeral, organising flowers and even contacting relatives and friends on your behalf.

2. Don’t Give Yourself a Grief Time Limit

It doesn’t matter how long it takes to experience the loss of a loved one. You should never force upon yourself a grief time limit. There’s no single answer on how long it takes to deal with grief or even how you should be feeling.

3. It’s Good to Talk

You will undoubtedly have lots of unanswered questions that you wanted to ask your loved one. Plus, you may be experiencing confusing, frustrating, or other types of feelings and emotions since you learned of your loved one’s passing.

Don’t feel like you have to keep everything bottled up. It’s always good to talk about how you feel or any thoughts that are in your mind related to your loved one.

Some might find it easier to talk to a therapist, whereas others prefer to seek comfort by speaking with family members and close friends.

4. Take Care of Yourself

As cruel as it might seem, life still goes on even with the passing of someone dear to you. With that in mind, you still need to continue with your daily routines as much as possible and not neglect your personal health and wellbeing.

What that means is, you should ensure that you get plenty of sleep each night, eat a healthy, balanced diet and exercise where possible. Taking care of yourself doesn’t just ensure you stay in good physical health; it also helps your mental health.

5. Share Happy Memories With Others

Lastly, you’ll likely have tonnes of happy memories that included your loved one. Talking to family members and close friends about those memories can help you keep your loved one’s memory alive and help celebrate the good times you’ve had together.

You could also do something that helps you remember those happy memories, such as having a photo framed or printed of you both from a happy occasion in the past.

Hopefully, this article will have given you some ideas on how you can make dealing with grief a little easier. Thank you for reading it today.

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