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Lucy Turns Pages: Remotivating Yourself For Personal Development After A Pandemic

Remotivating Yourself For Personal Development After A Pandemic

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For the last eighteen months or so, many people were focused on simply keeping their head above water instead of progressing. This isn’t anything that needs to be forgiven, because it’s totally understandable that a global pandemic would have this kind of effect, and we perhaps haven’t fully assessed the damage that this has caused to peoples’ lives.

Even if you’ve made it through somewhat okay, odds are, you feel quite deflated. Lockdowns and trying to be mindful of everywhere you go and every action you take can do that to you. Is it any wonder, then, why so many people feel lethargic even after society and opportunities begin to open back up? Remotivating yourself for personal development, then, could be just what the doctor ordered.

But how can you motivate yourself when you don’t have the motivation to be productive? Well, there are no ‘hidden tricks’ that can make the entire process easy for you, but it is true that remotivating yourself can be a worthwhile enterprise if you stick to the following advice:

Consider Educational Possibilities

It might be that taking a new pivot in direction could help energize you. This might come from the possibility of renewed education, depending on your goals and what you’re comfortable with. For instance, it could be that as you work in the day, you attend to a new online care certificate in the evenings, helping you become accredited for a potential shift in how you think about and plan your career. Flexible education is out there if you wish to make use of it, so don’t think this is impossible to take care of.

Look Once More At The Job Market

It’s healthy to look once more at the job market and make sure that you see what opportunities could be there for you. Even just having a cursory look at what positions are open in your area or an area you might like to move to can help you pounce on an opportunity if it’s available, or potentially think about that going forward. You never really know what research could inspire you, but the truth is that you won’t feel inspired if you feel you have nothing to work towards. This can be a great first step, then.

Refine Your Professional Image

It’s a great idea to refine your professional image from time to time. For instance, updating your CV, making sure that your professional headshots are up to date, that your LinkedIn profile is updated, and that your professional workwear is fitted to you and updated as necessary each year. You may also wish to focus on your skillsets, like investing in a public speaking course, or enrolling in a compliance course so that you can keep up to date with the latest industry measures. Little investments can go a long way.

With this advice, we hope you can motivate yourself for personal development even after lockdown.

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