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Lucy Turns Pages: Book Spotlight: The Gifting Spirit (Anthologies of Ullord) by Nikki Flynn and Edwin Dantes

Book Spotlight: The Gifting Spirit (Anthologies of Ullord) by Nikki Flynn and Edwin Dantes


Title: The Gifting Spirit (Anthologies of Ullord)
Authors: Nikki Flynn and Edwin Dantes

Plot of the book:
Rumors of a mysterious entity in the small, unassuming town of Geschenk Springs draw the attentions of the scholar Yurius Anmiar. The entity, seemingly benevolent, makes its way into people's homes and leaves behind gifts, a behavior that earns the scholar's curiosity, as he seeks to learn more about the being and its motivations. With the aid of his traveling companions, Yurius makes his way to Geschenk Springs and begins his research, determined not to rest until he learns the truth.

Buy The Gifting Spirit, book 1 in the series: Amazon UK - Amazon US

Additional Information:
The authors write audio fiction episodes set in the same world as The Gifting Spirit. The episodes are available as podcasts, on their Youtube channel, and their patrons get early access to their content.


We wrote "The Gifting Spirit" with the intention of it being a feel-good, enjoyable fantasy story that is a quick glimpse into the setting of Ullord.

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